Editorial Policy: Trust, Transparency, and Respect

Publishing original content from day one is our top priority!

At AllBlogThings, we're dedicated to delivering high-quality content reviewed by experts and fact-checked by editors with years of experience in editing online content, so that you can trust our words in each article.

Here's how we ensure our work maintains the highest ethical standards:

Accuracy First:

We adhere to industry-standard journalistic principles, prioritizing truth and transparency in all our content.

We rely on the Society of Professional Journalists' code of ethics as a foundation for our reporters' professional conduct.

Reliable Sources:

We maintain strict source verification procedures. Our reporters clearly explain how information is gathered, protecting source confidentiality when necessary and making sure the fact-checking process is done right.

Understanding Source Attribution:

By default, conversations with our team are considered "on the record." This means anything you say can be attributed and quoted.

Corporate communicators and official sources are typically expected to be on the record. If you prefer otherwise, clearly state your reasons each time.

Going "On Background":

"On background" discussions allow your statements to be attributed more generally, like "an industry expert." We won't identify you specifically as the source.

This operates on an agreement basis. You can request it, and we reserve the right to accept or decline.

Agreements don't apply retroactively; requesting "off the record" after a conversation won't be honored.

"Off the Record" Conversations:

We rarely engage in "off the record" discussions with official sources. Specific justifications are required.

This means we won't publish any information from the conversation unless independently sourced.

Agreements are essential – if we disagree with the terms, the conversation isn't considered off the record.

Corrections and Updates:

We strive for accuracy, but occasional errors may occur. Our editors promptly issue corrections with explanations.

New information may necessitate updates to published stories. We'll add or modify content accordingly, with clear revision notes at the article's end.

Content Removal:

Content may be removed if it infringes on intellectual property rights, violates third-party rights, or breaches laws.

Diversity and Inclusion:

At AllBlogThings, we champion diversity, equity, and inclusion across all aspects of our work. We believe a diverse team, contributors, and audience fuel our success.

Our commitment includes:

  • Celebrating Diversity: We celebrate all forms of diversity, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, and socioeconomic background.
  • Inclusive Content: We strive for content that reflects the tech world's breadth and depth. This includes highlighting underrepresented voices and stories, and addressing diversity and inclusion issues.
  • Equitable Opportunities: We actively seek diverse talent and are committed to fair hiring, promotion, and compensation practices.
  • Safe and Respectful Environment: We foster a safe and respectful environment for everyone. Discrimination, harassment, or exclusionary behavior won't be tolerated.
  • Continuous Learning: We believe in ongoing education to deepen our understanding of diversity and inclusion challenges and opportunities.
  • Community Engagement: We actively engage with our community to ensure voices are heard and valued. We encourage feedback and open dialogue.
  • Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for our decisions and actions. We regularly review and improve our diversity and inclusion efforts.

By embracing diversity and inclusion, we aim to create a tech media platform that reflects the richness of the industry and the world. Join us in making a positive impact!

    NOTE: We tag paid content as "Advertorial" so our readers don't get confused.

    For AI-generated content, please read our AI use Policy page as we are not using AI to generate irrelevant content, we are publishing original content only.

    We Value Your Feedback:

    Your input is crucial. If you have concerns about our ethical standards or content, please let us know. We appreciate your feedback.