13 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself from Cybercrime

13 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself from Cybercrime

Cybercrime is becoming a major threat in our increasingly interrelated society. To prevent becoming a victim of cybercrime, you must take proactive steps to protect your online security and privacy.

What is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime consists of any illegal act occurring primarily or entirely over the internet. Cybercriminals tend to specialize in targeting particular devices and computer networks for their attacks. Cybercrime encompasses everything from identity theft to security breaches.

Cybercriminals use phishing, malware, or other cyber-terrorists to steal information and exploit devices, enabling them to access private bank accounts unlawfully. Cybercrimes damage victims for both organizations as well as individuals. People who fall prey may sustain financial losses besides suffering mental torture due to reputational harm, among other things.

Types of Cybercrime

There are some different types of cybercrime:

1. Insecure Public Network

Many of us often use free public Wi-Fi. Nevertheless, any personal information you carry can be intercepted using such networks. However, a person with malicious intent can easily set up a fake Wi-Fi network that looks like a genuine cafe or lounge. When connected to this network, they can see what your device and browser are doing. 

2. Password Phishing on Public Computer

“Phishing” is a social engineering strategy designed to trick you. It involves sending fake emails and messages to get you to reveal private user information or download and run harmful software on your device.

However, using public computers illegally can put your security in danger. Hackers can install malware on these systems to track user data, such as password tracking and data retention software.

3. Password Theft

You need passwords or passcodes to access social media, bank accounts, and email. Passwords are also very important for cybercriminals because they give them access to private data and can be used to steal a lot of personal information. Cybercriminals use many ways to get hold of the victims’ credentials, including, but not limited to, the theft of passwords.

4. Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs in the digital sphere when someone obtains a person's personal information for unethical or malicious reasons. Social security information, credit card numbers, and login credentials for internet accounts are just a few examples of stolen goods. Different forms of identity theft include social media impersonation, identity cloning, the practice of taking on another person's identity to hide one's own, and financial, medical, and tax fraud.

5. Malware

Malware is a massive software attack that infects and controls computer systems by injecting viruses, trojans, and spyware. Because it targets both individual PCs and enterprise-level networks, it presents a substantial issue in various settings. It is often used to disrupt networks and steal user data.

6. Distributed DoS Attacks

Consider throwing a small gathering to have hundreds of uninvited guests overrun the space, blasting music and obstructing access for others. That is similar to a distributed denial of service (DDoS) assault. DDoS attacks aim to bring down network services by flooding them with excessive traffic. Use a VPN that is DDOS-protected to defend against this danger. 

7. Online Scams

Be careful while posting personal information on social media. Social engineering and guessing security questions are two ways cybercriminals might use it. Secure your privacy settings and avoid sharing private information online. Online scams include sending someone offensive messages they do not like, threatening them openly, or posting their private pictures without consent.

How to Protect Yourself Against Cybercrime?

There are some tips to protect yourself from cybercrime.

1. Use of VPN

A strong VPN is necessary to keep much of the internet traffic secure. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts web data fast, preventing hackers from stealing it. ExtremeVPN, which offers premium VPN services, will guarantee no data interception while using public Wi-Fi can occur.

2. Use a Strong Password

Do not use the same password for many accounts and update them regularly. Strong passwords should be 10 characters long and include letters, numbers, and symbols. Use a password management tool to keep your credentials safe.

3. Keep Your Software Up to Date

Users should ensure that all software, especially widely used browsers and apps, has automatic updates to protect their devices from online attacks. It's common to ignore manual updates. Hackers take advantage of holes in software that patches or updates can fix, but only if users keep their software up to date. As a result, exposure to new risks is reduced.

4. Manage Your Social Media Settings

When you share anything on social media, keep your private information private. Scam artists can get your details online, so don’t share them publicly. Even little things like revealing your cat's name or nickname could answer security questions often asked unintentionally.

5. Educate Your Children About the Internet

Attackers often target children who don’t realize they’re victims because they lack knowledge of safe practices on the internet. Therefore, ensure you enlighten your children on how to be safe while using the internet. Explain to them what to do if someone bullies, harasses, or stalks them online and offline, too.

6. Stay Informed About Security Breaches

All software you use should have regular platform updates. In case of a serious security breach, act immediately. Change the password and comply with any directives the affected company or service provider gives.

7. Take Measures to Protect Your Data

It’s important to secure your data while using the Internet. Always watch for new links, and use a reliable VPN when sending private information. VPN improves your security measures.

8. Provide Measures to Protect Your Kids

Limit the time kids spend online and ensure they understand the risks so they do not fall victim to cybercrime. Parental control devices and supervise what they do online. Devices should have passwords and get security updates frequently. Encourage open discussions where children can talk about their fears.

9. Protect Your Identity When Traveling

We know it's important to unwind when traveling, but we must also be on guard because hackers continue to target personal information. To prioritize your security precautions when traveling, use a VPN on unknown WiFi networks, including those in coffee shops or hotels. Moreover, avoid sharing information about your plans on social media to prevent unnecessary monitoring and interference.

10. Report Any Malicious Activity to the Authorities

If you become a victim of cybercrime, you should immediately contact the relevant authorities. At first, identity theft might seem harmless, but it can lead to serious legal issues. So, report this incident to your local police or even the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) immediately. By filing a complaint with them, they can find the attackers and stop them from attacking again.

11. Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is an effective way of dealing with cybercrime. It is a security process that greatly reduces the chances of unauthorized persons getting into systems or accounts by requiring additional information besides a password. MFA stops identity theft, bars illegal access to accounts and shields against data breaches, which may be done by cybercriminals who do not have your password even if they obtained it through phishing or any other means.

12. Never Open Attachments in Spam Emails

Although it might seem insignificant, spam emails can pose various dangers. These dangers include links that direct recipients to dangerous sites or unknown software. Malware can also enter your computer system and steal data. To mitigate risk, do not respond to any message labeled as spam.

13. Contact Companies Directly About Suspicious Requests

To prevent cybercrime, contact the companies in case of any suspicious requests. It will help confirm if the request is legitimate and not fall for scams or phishing attacks. Taking precautions beforehand will reduce the chances of unauthorized entry into your accounts or information leakage, protecting your data and financial security.

How to Report a Cybercrime?

If you or someone you know has been a victim of cybercrime, it is important to notify the authorities. Reporting procedures may differ based on location, but taking immediate action is crucial.

  • United States: If you have been a victim of cybercrime, you can file a report at the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) site at www.ic3.gov. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) cooperates closely with the NW3C (National White Collar Crime Center).
  • UK: If you are a victim of cybercrime in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland, report against Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040 or look for www.actionfraud.police.uk for information on reporting fraud or cybercrime.
  • EU: Report cybercrime across Europe through the Europol website, which has instructions for most European countries. If no online form is available in your country, take what you’ve got to the local police station.
  • Australia: The Australian Cyber Security Hotline is available 24/7. You can contact them at 1300 292 371 or 1300 CYBER1. It issues warnings, technical support, notices, and notifications on critical cybersecurity issues.
  • UAE: In the last few years, the UAE has concentrated on stopping cybercrimes and has become a world-famous hub for innovation. The country has a variety of platforms through which cybercrimes can be reported. To report crimes and emergencies within the United Arab Emirates, dial 999 anywhere.


Cybercrimes are becoming more frequent these days. You can always stay safe and secure by heeding the advice provided above. Also, share this simple advice with your friends and family so they don’t become victims of online fraud or other cybercrime.

Always use antivirus software with a VPN, but limit yourself to well-known sites and links. VPN will protect you from people with bad intentions. For more privacy and encryption, use ExtremeVPN.


What real-world applications does cybersecurity have?

Cybersecurity is crucial, considering it is responsible for safeguarding various forms of data from loss or destruction. These include classified information, personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), private information, intellectual property-related data, and systems employed by government institutions and organizations in business sectors.

Are phishing and hacking the same thing?

Although phishing and hacking may look alike, they differ in several ways. Phishing scams mainly involve tricking individuals into revealing personal details by imitating trustworthy websites. On the other hand, hacking refers to unauthorized access to computer systems using different methods, such as password attacks or exploitation of vulnerabilities.

Is public Wi-Fi safe to use?

Do not use public Wi-Fi networks while transferring sensitive data like bank credentials or making online payments. Secure your internet connection by encrypting it through a reputable VPN to prevent information hacking.