Should You Buy a YouTube Channel? (Complete Guide)

Should You Buy a YouTube Channel? (Complete Guide)

Just imagine if you’re sitting there, scrolling through YouTube, and BAM! You stumble upon a channel with 100,000 subscribers that’s up for sale.

You think, ‘Should I actually buy a YouTube channel? Is that a thing?’

Well, spoiler alert—it is a thing!

But, like anything else in life, it’s not all sunshine and instant ad revenue.

Today, we’re exploring the pros, cons, and what Google would prefer you NOT do when it comes to snapping up a YouTube channel.

So before you look somewhere to buy youtube channel, you should read this:

Why Would Anyone Buy a YouTube Channel? Let’s Break It Down

Here’s the deal—building a YouTube channel from scratch is like growing a plant.

It takes time, patience, and sometimes, you feel like you’re just watering dirt. But if you buy an already-established channel, you basically skip the whole ‘waiting for it to sprout’ part.

You get a channel that’s already blossomed—subscribers, views, and maybe even monetization, all ready to go.

1. Skipping the Growth Phase

Let’s face it—starting a YouTube channel from zero is hard. Statistics show that 90% of YouTubers never even hit 1,000 subscribers.

So, buying a channel means bypassing the early grind and jumping straight into creating content for an already built audience.

2. Instant Engagement

When you buy a channel, you’re not just buying videos—you’re buying an audience. If the subscribers are active, you can start getting views, likes, and comments from day one. That’s like skipping a 5-hour movie and jumping right to the action scene!

3. Monetization Without the Hassle

According to a report by Business Insider, creators earning five figures annually on YouTube grew by 50% year-over-year.

But here's the kicker—getting monetized isn’t a walk in the park.

You need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in the last 12 months. Buying a channel with those stats?

That’s like buying a house with the furniture already in it!

But Hold On, There Are Challenges…

Okay, so this all sounds good, but let’s pump the brakes a bit. There are a few tricky parts to buying a YouTube channel that we’ve gotta talk about. No such thing as a free lunch, right?

1. Content Mismatch

Imagine buying a channel that does makeup tutorials but you want to make tech videos. The audience that subscribes for contouring tips might not be thrilled about your deep dive into the latest smartphone review. You could end up with subscribers, but no one actually engaging with your content—kind of like buying a car with no engine.

2. Subscriber Drop-Off

When a channel changes hands, subscribers can sense it—like when your favorite TV show changes directors. You might see people jumping ship if they don’t like the new vibe. A report from VidIQ says that channel engagement can drop by as much as 20% when the content or ownership shifts.

3. YouTube’s Rules and Policies

“Now, this is the part where Google walks in and says, ‘Hey, don’t get too comfortable.’”

Right. So, YouTube doesn’t technically forbid buying or selling channels, but they’ve got their eyes on you. You’ll need to make sure all the content on that channel is 100% legit—no copyrighted music, no unlicensed video clips, none of that.

Otherwise, YouTube might hit you with a content strike faster than you can say, ‘Demonetized.’

What Google (and YouTube) Has to Say

Okay, so Google’s not exactly throwing confetti when people buy and sell channels. It’s not illegal, but it is risky.

Here’s what you’ve got to watch out for.

  1. Content Ownership: Make sure you’re buying a channel with legally transferable content. Google’s not about to let you buy a channel full of stolen TikTok videos and call it a day.
  2. AdSense Transfer: Here’s a biggie—if the channel is already monetized, transferring the AdSense account can be a nightmare. Google might require you to reapply for monetization, and if they don’t like what they see, they could pull the plug.
  3. No Subscriber Shenanigans: Whatever you do, don’t buy a channel with fake subscribers or bot activity. Google’s algorithms are sharp, and they’ll catch you faster than you can say, “Algorithm update.”

The Essential Checklist for Buying a YouTube Channel

Alright, for anyone still thinking about buying a YouTube channel, let’s get practical.

Here’s your buying checklist. Print this out, slap it on your fridge, do what you gotta do, but don’t skip these steps.

Before You Buy

  • Content Alignment: Is the existing content close to what you want to create? If you’re buying a gaming channel and want to make cooking videos... rethink it.
  • Subscriber Health Check: Use tools like Social Blade to make sure those 100,000 subscribers aren’t just bots that subscribed in 2012 and never came back.
  • Engagement Levels: Check how active the community is. Are they liking, commenting, and sharing? Or is the comment section just crickets?

During the Sale

  • Ownership Transfer: Make sure all video content and rights are transferred to you. You don’t want the previous owner coming back and claiming your best-performing video!
  • AdSense Account: If the channel is monetized, you’ll need to work out how to transfer the AdSense account or reapply. Heads up—it’s not as simple as swapping emails.


  • Monetization Recheck: Once the channel is yours, you might have to reapply for YouTube’s Partner Program. Make sure all your ducks are in a row—no copyright strikes, legit content, and enough views.

So, Should You Buy a YouTube Channel?

In the end, buying a YouTube channel could be the shortcut to the top you’re looking for, but it’s no magic bullet. It comes with some serious perks—like skipping the growth phase and monetizing faster—but also some risks.

The key is doing your homework, following Google’s rules, and making sure the channel fits what you want to do.

Exactly. Don’t just buy a channel for the sake of buying one. Make sure it aligns with your vision, the audience is legit, and you’re not breaking any rules. And hey, if you do it right, you could be cashing in those sweet ad dollars sooner than you think.

And if you do it wrong... well, let’s just say YouTube’s hammer is swift and unforgiving.

Happy channel shopping, folks!