ShipTop Bags $500K in Seed Funding

ShipTop Bags $500K in Seed Funding

ShipTop, the emerging star in eCommerce logistics, just secured a tidy $500,000 seed funding round, with key backing from Dino Verbrugge and Jared Vegosen, co-founders of Chicago-based DV Trading Company.

It seems investors have smelled the future—and it’s all about shipping tech.

Founded in 2021, ShipTop has carved out a niche, helping eCommerce merchants tackle the mess that is multi-channel fulfillment (because, let’s be honest, who likes dealing with orders across five platforms?).

Their tech-savvy approach doesn’t just stop at shipping; they handle inventory management and real-time tracking, so businesses can stop stressing about logistics and get back to the fun stuff—like making memes for their brand's Instagram.

Ash Jamshidpour, Founder and CEO of ShipTop said:

"Since ShipTop's inception, our mission has been to empower eCommerce merchants by providing advanced technology and exceptional customer service, we're delighted to have the support of Dino Verbrugge and Jared Vegosen, who share our vision of transforming and revolutionizing the traditional third-party logistics industry."

With the new cash injection, ShipTop has plans to expand its technology platform, and it’s all about going greener too.

Sustainable logistics? Sign us up!

With eco-conscious shipping practices gaining traction (hello, California wildfires), this move feels particularly timely.

It’s nice to see a company aiming to save both the planet and your Amazon order from being lost in transit.

Ash Jamshidpour, CEO and founder, brings a mix of entrepreneurial savvy and CPA background, giving ShipTop an edge when it comes to keeping the numbers—and the packages—flowing.

And let's face it, logistics is the unsexy backbone of eCommerce.

But with rapid growth in online shopping (thanks to that whole global pandemic thing), the sector has never been hotter.

This funding round puts ShipTop in a prime spot to capture more of the market, helping them deliver (literally) on their promise to revolutionize eCommerce logistics.

Expect to hear more from them as they take on the Amazon and FedEx big boys—perhaps with a little more flair.