Safety First: Essential Design Guidelines for Psychiatric Rooms

Safety First: Essential Design Guidelines for Psychiatric Rooms

The number of people seeking mental health treatment continues to rise at an astounding rate. The global pandemic played a role in the increase, along with other factors. Twenty percent or more of the adult population struggles with a behavioral health condition, and many of these individuals also have medical conditions that must be addressed.

Sadly, many children today are visiting emergency rooms across America for mental health help.

Behavioral health spaces must consider patients' age, mental health status, and other factors to ensure everyone remains safe while receiving the help they need.

These individuals are vulnerable, and the environment must be supportive and welcoming. Arcadian furniture is an excellent choice for these facilities. The thoughtful design of the furnishings leads to improved patient experiences and outcomes. 

The Complexity of Mental Health Issues

Professional counseling has been in high demand in recent years. However, many professionals find those suffering from acute mental health conditions often benefit from an inpatient stay. These facilities need to provide the right environment for patients with mental health challenges, but they aren't alone. As many emergency room visits are related to mental health concerns, hospitals also need to have a supportive environment for these patients because they may end up staying in the hospital for a period. These patients require a safe environment where they can begin the healing process. 

Safety First

Safety is always a priority in hospitals, but mental health challenges come with unique concerns. Staff members often don't know what they are dealing with when they first encounter a patient going through a mental health crisis. The patient may be agitated or aggressive, and the setting needs to be free of items they could use to harm themselves or others. In addition, this space must make the patient feel safe. 

Therapeutic Design

Facilities must collaborate with therapeutic design professionals to create an environment that promotes psychological wellness. This environment must provide a safe space while reducing aggressive and violent feelings. These professionals use light, color, and sensory elements to create a pleasing and comfortable space. Patients can then relax and be open to treatment. They see their care as necessary and won't feel stigmatized when receiving help. 

Physical safety remains the priority, but the space should also consider the patient's need for privacy and social interaction. To be effective, it must provide the right balance between the two. Therapeutic design often incorporates natural elements to normalize the patient's treatment experience. Patients should be given choices regarding furnishings, lighting, and sound, and facilities must offer sensory and de-escalation rooms designed to allow patients to decompress. 

Therapeutic interactions provide the foundation for successful interventions. Spaces need to help patients relate to their caregivers. They must show patients that their treatment team respects, supports, and empathizes with them. They will then be more open to receiving the help they need to overcome their mental health challenges. 

Mental health must be a priority today. The full effects of the global pandemic may not be seen for years, and this is only one factor contributing to the country's mental health crisis. When people seek treatment, they need to feel comfortable doing so.

Furnishings, therapeutic design, and other elements play a role in this comfort. Learn more today about creating a positive, supportive, and welcoming environment for individuals so they can get the help they need for a better quality of life.