Affordable Gum Disease Treatment Options in Singapore

Affordable Gum Disease Treatment Options in Singapore

Gum Disease, sometimes referred to as periodontal disease, damages the gum tissue and can cause possible bone loss, gum recession, and even tooth loss if ignored.

Fortunately, Singapore offers reasonably priced and efficient gum disease treatment choices that will help you keep your teeth without going broke.

This page will go over several nonsurgical and surgical treatments, preventative steps, and reasonably priced choices to keep and restore healthy gums.

An Overview of Gum Health Issues

Harmful bacteria and plaque accumulation along the gum line produce the infection known as gum disease.

Early on, sometimes called gingivitis, symptoms include gum swelling, foul breath, and bleeding during brushing or flossing could arise. Untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, which would cause more severe issues like gum tissue and bone loss, loose teeth, and maybe tooth loss.

Gum disease has risk factors including poor oral hygiene, smoking, diabetes, and hereditary tendencies. Preventing and controlling gum disease mostly depends on regular brushing, dental cleanings, and preserving proper oral hygiene.

Reasonable Non-Surgical Gum Disease Treatments

Professional Dental Cleaning

  • What it is: Removing tartar and plaque accumulation that fuels gum disease depends on routine dental cleanings.
  • Cost: Professional cleaning in Singapore usually runs between $80 and $150.
  • How it helps: Dental hygienists aid by cleaning the teeth above and below the gum line, therefore preventing harmful germs from aggravating more gum problems.

Scaling and Root Planing

  • What it is: This deep cleaning process smooths the tooth root surfaces and eliminates plaque therefore enabling the gums to rejoin the teeth.
  • Cost: Gum disease severity determines the pricing range, which runs from $200 to $500.
  • How it helps: Targeting pockets of germs, scaling and root planing—also called root debridement—helps to stop additional gum recession and bone loss.

Antibiotic Therapy

  • What it is: Antibiotics can be used as a supplementary therapy to lower bacterial populations and thereby help to control gum diseases.
  • Cost: Gum disease treatment prescription medications usually run between $30 and $100.
  • How it helps: These drugs fight against bacterial infections in the gums whether taken orally or topically.

Mouthwashes and Home Care Products

  • What it is: Prescription or over-the-counter antibacterial mouthwashes help to lower dangerous bacterial count in the mouth.
  • Cost: For regular goods, mouthwashes run from $10 to $30; some medical centres provide specialist rinses.
  • How it helps: Regular use of these products together with continuous dental care helps to preserve general gum health and stop the spread of gum disease.

Surgical Gum Disease Treatment Options

Pocket Reduction Surgery

  • What it is: This surgical operation cleans out the diseased tissue and smooths damaged bone surfaces therefore lessening the space between the gum and tooth.
  • Cost: In Singapore, pocket reduction surgery could run from $800 to $1,500.
  • How it helps: This operation lessens the area available for bacterial growth by closing gum pockets, therefore stopping more harm to the gum and bone.

Tissue Regeneration

  • What it is: When a significant gum recession results, tissue regeneration surgery is applied to induce soft tissue development in impacted areas and boost bone growth.
  • Cost: Based on the degree of damage, this treatment can be between $1,200 and $3,000.
  • How it helps: Restoring gum health, increasing stability, and preventing tooth loss using regeneration of damaged tissue helps.

Soft Tissue Grafting

  • What it is: Soft tissue grafting is the process of connecting tissue taken from another part of the mouth to areas experiencing notable gum recession.
  • Cost: Soft tissue grafting operations usually run from $600 to $2,000 per region in cost.
  • How it helps: This procedure protects the tooth root, increases gum tissue strength, and enhances gum look generally.

Preventing Gum Disease: Affordable Oral Hygiene Tips

With gum disease, prevention is the best course of treatment.

These reasonably priced ideas help to keep good dental hygiene and avoid gum disease:

  1. Brush and Floss Regularly: Regular brushing and flossing helps to avoid the main cause of gum disease—plaque development. Typically costing $5 to $10, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Use Antimicrobial Mouthwash: Including an antimicrobial mouthwash in your regular regimen will assist to maintain the health of your mouth by killing dangerous bacteria.
  3. Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year: See Your Dentist Twice Annually Regular visits to your dentist and cleanings assist to spot early gum disease symptoms and treat them before they get bad. Usually costing between $80 and $150 each session, routine dentist appointments are investments in your oral health.

Where to Find Affordable Gum Disease Treatment in Singapore

There are several reasonably priced gum disease treatment centres throughout Singapore. Discount rates for periodontal treatments, dental cleanings, and scaling and root planing abound in many dental offices.

For individuals seeking less expensive solutions, public healthcare providers include polyclinics and the National Dental Centre Singapore present reasonably priced treatment plans. Certain clinics might also provide payment schemes to help make gum disease treatment more reasonable.


A major oral health problem, gum disease can cause long-term damage if untreated neglectfully.

Still, Singapore offers a variety of nonsurgical and surgical treatment choices that allow one to find reasonably priced and successful answers for gum disease.

Whether your gum disease is in the early stages or you need more advanced periodontal therapy, you should act fast to save your gum tissue and general oral health.