Why Dachshunds Are the Worst Breed?

Why Dachshunds Are the Worst Breed?

Why Dachshunds Are the Worst Breed?

Let's explore Reddit to find the right answers, (I may replace a few words to make the article privacy-focused for Dachshunds owners):

Dachshunds or “wiener dogs” are popular for their unique appearance and personality. But just like the smooth face of a loyal and friendly breed, there is a breed that most dog lovers would rather not take their chances with.

Well, let’s get straight into the arguments and see why some people consider dachshunds to be the worst breed, or at least hear what Reddit users have to say about it, along with some helpful advice from professionals and a bit of humor.

They are terrible with children and strangers, they bite and bark. They try to burrow through everything because they're bred to find badgers. a reddit user posted on subreddit r/unpopularopinion

Here's a list of some solid reasons why Dachshunds are the worst breed of dogs in the world:

1. Dachshunds are Stubborn

Dachshunds are Stubborn

Have you ever tried to discipline a dachshund? If so, you might find yourself met with a look that clearly says, “I’ll do what I want, thanks. ” Reddit user barksandrec shares their frustration:

"My dachshund refuses to go outside when it’s raining. Instead, he gives me a look like I’m the one being unreasonable".

Unlike the mythical creature, this breed is known for being stubborn and the temperamental characteristic has been ascertained.

Originally used for hunting, these dogs were created to be able to reason on their own and dig the land. Regrettably, this independence translates to a form of rebellion when it comes to training. Dachshunds are not only stubborn; they are Stubborn with a capital S.

However, they can be quite pig-headed at times and this is a trait that some people find quite cute because it simply means that they have character.

But wait, for the ordinary person owning a dachshund dog, it is not easy at all. Training sessions are like being in a room with a small, cute tyrant who seems to always have things his way.

2. They Bark Without Any Reason

They Bark Without Any Reason

So if you are seeking peaceful and quiet company, then, perhaps, a dachshund as a pet dog is not the best choice for you.

These are tiny dogs but they sure know how to bark and even when they are tiny, they are mighty. There are numerous stories on Reddit of dachshunds that bark at virtually anything and everything. A user quipped that:

‘My dachshund barks at the mailman, the wind, the sun setting, and possibly even my thoughts. It never ends!. ’ 

Dachshunds were bred for hunting specifically badgers and that is why they are so vocal and tenacious when it comes to hunting.

Although this trait was helpful when it comes to hunting in the fields of Germany, it is not as valued in a suburban neighborhood where the dog’s barking can cause headaches, and quite possibly, annoyed neighbors.

Of course, some people like their dachshund to ‘bark,’ so to talk. Still, they are great guard dogs, although they can be overly protective, given that the sound of a falling leaf is enough to set them off. (funny enough, but that's a reality though)

3. Dachshunds Have Many Health Issues

Dachshunds Have Many Health Issues

So, let’s discuss the obvious, or more accurately, the small breed dog with back issues— the dachshund. They are especially susceptible to a variety of health problems due to their long and slender frame, the most common of which is IVDD.

This condition can be extremely painful, lead to paralysis, or require very expensive surgery.

A Reddit user shared their experience:

“I’ve spent more on my dachshund’s back surgeries than on my own medical bills. Every time he jumps off the couch, I cringe.”

The issue is that dachshunds are built anatomically unsound as their back is much longer than their legs which puts a lot of pressure on their vertebrae. This makes them prone to injuries from as basic as falling off furniture or even running up and down the stairs.

In case the owner is not ready for the possible veterinary costs and changes in the routine, a dachshund may turn into a costly companion.

4. They Show Great Aggression

They Show Great Aggression

If you are asking questions like "are dachshunds aggressive dogs" or something like that, you must read this:

Dachshunds are small dogs but they do not behave like them and believe me they are not ashamed of it. These dogs have aggressive dispositions, which are sometimes directed towards strangers or other dogs and animals.

Many Reddit threads contain stories about the dachshunds that think they are the alpha, despite their small size. 

On r/dogowners, a user said, “My dachshund growls at everyone who comes near me, like he’s my personal bodyguard. It’s cute until it’s not.”

This aggression is most times a result of their hunting history as it was required for them to confront badgers. In today’s world, this can result in a dog that is overly protective or aggressive when it feels threatened.

However, many dachshund owners enjoy this aspect and consider it as one of the proofs of their dogs’ obedience and protectiveness. It is all in the view – but it is a view that has to be patiently gained.

5. Hard At Housebreaking

Hard At Housebreaking

It is common knowledge that housebreaking a dachshund is considered one of the most difficult things that an owner of the dog can face.

Even though dachshund is a smart breed, they are not easy to train when it comes to house training. Some of it is probably just dachshund-specific stubbornness, but whatever the cause, many a dachshund owner discovers that the fight to keep their house free of accidents is a lifelong one.

  • One Redditor summarized the experience perfectly: “I’ve never met a dog more determined to pee indoors than my dachshund. It’s like he’s out to ruin my carpet one square foot at a time.”

This is not an unusual dilemma and it is a situation that anyone who is planning to get a dachshund should expect.

It’s good to have loads of patience, be constant, and even possibly have a good sense of humor when training a dachshund regarding the lavatory.

All of what those Redditors have not shared, these doggo breeds have more issues like:

  • A need for brushing their hair as they get tangled and become greasy too soon.
  • A need for trimming the fur (for long-haired Dachshunds) and nail trimming that you have to do every 2-3 weeks.
  • With only the relief of bathing with any gentle and mild shampoo once a month or two, you need to clean their hairy ears regularly.

However, if you have a wire-haired Dachshund, then you may have great relief from the above extra activities, you can bathe these dogs whenever you want but have to perform coat stripping every second month to make them look beautiful and fresh.

Still, you may need to take your Dachshund pet to a professional grooming service at least once in 5/6 months to make sure they don’t get lazy just because they are not groomed well.

Did I mention that Dachshunds are badger hunters or they were used for this?

Well, it is right, and that’s why some (most in many cases) dachshunds still dig and sit in their dogged holes for hours.

Yes, they would definitely ruin your garden in just a few minutes of them enjoying their digging skills.

And what else? They gain weight more than other dogs do. But wait, I have a solution for this, go read it.

Here's a video for 10 reasons on why Dachshunds are the worst breed of dogs:

And lastly:

The Worst Breed, or Just Misunderstood?

Thus, are dachshunds the worst? is it a fact?

For some, the answer may well be yes. They are very stiff-necked, always bark can have health problems, and can be aggressive too.

However, for other people, these characteristics are not a drawback but rather one of the peculiarities of the dachshund breed.

Last but not least, it is a question of perception.

If you are that person who likes to rise to the occasion and relishes in having a dog that has a character of its own, then the dachshund is probably the best worst breed you could possibly ever have.

Overall (in my personal opinion and on what I researched and found), dachshunds are actually the words breed you may meet on planet Earth.