The Legal Process for Car Accident Claims in Houston: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Legal Process for Car Accident Claims in Houston: A Step-by-Step Guide

No one wants to imagine it, but the facts state that there are more than 6 million car crashes a year, making it likely you will be involved in one. If you’re been in a wreck in the Houston area, you’re likely hurt, confused, and worried about what will happen next—especially if you can’t make it into work due to emotional or physical pain.

Don’t worry—you’re not alone. When you work with an experienced Houston car accident lawyer, you have a pro by your side who can help you through every step of the legal process and help guarantee that you will receive the compensation you need to recover and get back to your normal life.

To help you gain a better understanding of what you and your attorney will go through when you file a claim, here is the step-by-step legal process.

Step 1: Report the Accident and Get Evidence

Step one happens immediately after the accident. If you are not injured enough to be taken to the hospital, you should report the accident to the police and start getting as much evidence as you can. This includes taking photos or video of the scene, getting statements and contact information of witnesses, and gathering the other driver’s insurance, license, and contact information.

Step 2: Get Medical Treatment

Even if you don’t think you’ve been hurt that badly in the collision, you should still seek medical treatment. Some injuries—such as whiplash—don’t fully present themselves for hours, days, or even weeks and you need to have a record of seeing a doctor to help bolster your claim.

Step 3: Notify Your Insurance Agent

Once you’ve gotten treatment, it’s time to tell your insurance agent about the collision. Keep in mind that even though you are legally able to negotiate your claim with the insurance agencies, it’s usually not a good idea to do so—especially if you’ve been injured. You are not experienced in negotiating with insurance agencies and may not get full compensation if you try to go at it alone. An experienced Houston car accident lawyer will know exactly how to handle negotiations and will take this stress off your shoulders so you can focus on your recovery.

Step 4: Prove Liability

Because Texas is an at-fault state, you or your Houston car accident lawyer must prove liability to make the at-fault party pay for damages. Your attorney will be able to use the evidence you gathered and support this with his or her own investigation to prove that you were not at fault and to ensure you get compensated.

Step 5: Negotiations and Settlement Occur

In the vast majority of instances, your case will never see the inside of a courtroom and instead will be settled with the insurance company. Your attorney will negotiate with the other insurance agency and provide the evidence necessary to reach a fair settlement

Choosing the Right Houston Car Accident Lawyer

It’s always a good idea to have an experienced lawyer by your side to go through the legal process following a car accident.

To choose the best one for your case, ask for referrals from friends and others in your circle who have worked with a lawyer like this, read online reviews, and schedule a handful of consultations to determine which is the best option for you.