Should College Essays Touch On Race?

Should College Essays Touch On Race?

In college admissions, the debate rages on about whether students should address race in their application essays., even for those pursuing an online degree in business, or any other academic pursuit.

While some argue that discussing race can provide valuable context and insight into an applicant's experiences, others caution against it, citing potential risks and pitfalls.

Let's explore this intricate issue from a perspective that isn't often considered.

Understanding the Argument

College admissions expert Jay Rosner offers a compelling perspective on the matter. According to Rosner, students of color may benefit from addressing race in their essays, and overlooking this aspect of their identity could be a missed opportunity. Rosner's rationale stems from the recognition of systemic inequalities that have historically disadvantaged students of color in educational settings.

Acknowledging Historical Disadvantages

Rosner highlights the systemic challenges that students of color have faced throughout history, including disparities in educational funding and resources.

For instance, the reliance on property taxes to fund school systems has perpetuated inequalities, resulting in poorer funding for schools in communities of color.

These disparities have contributed to a cycle of disadvantage that continues to impact students of color today.

Utilizing Admissions Considerations

Based on these historical disadvantages, Rosner advises that students of color should take advantage of the admissions policies that offer a slight advantage for these inequalities.

Thus, such admissions considerations as affirmative action may be viewed not as a solution to the given systemic problems but as a partial remedy to the consequences of discrimination.

The Complexity of Identity

However, it is crucial to understand that the choice to write about race in college essays is a complex one.

The choice of whether or not to discuss race in the application is not easy as students are faced with several issues of identity, privilege, and the expectations of society.

Potential Risks and Considerations

Although debating about race can help understand the applicant’s experience and view, it has its drawbacks.

This is because admissions officers may have their own ways of looking at issues related to race, so they may not fully understand the true intentions of the student when writing essays on race.

Also, there is a worry that excessive concentration on race will somehow erase all the other aspects of the student’s personality and accomplishments.

Navigating the Nuances

Ultimately, the decision to address race in college essays requires careful consideration of individual circumstances, goals, and values.

While some students may choose to highlight their racial identity as a central theme in their essays, others may opt for a different approach, focusing on other aspects of their experiences and accomplishments.

Conclusion: A Personal Decision

Ultimately, the issue of whether college essays should address race is a complex and deeply personal matter. While some advocate for addressing race as a means of contextualizing historical disadvantages, others caution against the potential risks and limitations of this approach.

Students must weigh these factors carefully and make a decision that aligns with their values, goals, and individual experiences.

As students navigate the complexities of college admissions, they should strive to present genuine and compelling narratives that reflect the richness and diversity of their identities.