Protecting Your Teeth: Tips for Avoiding Dental Damage

Protecting Your Teeth: Tips for Avoiding Dental Damage

Whether you benefit from cosmetic dentistry or remain happy with your natural smile, learning how to protect your teeth from damage can safeguard your picture-perfect smile for years to come. Achieving this goal is not difficult at all, especially when you learn about a few choice tips.

To help you preserve your pearly whites, here’s a quick guide on how to take care of your teeth against possible damage. 

Regularly brush your teeth

While learning to reclaim your oral health, the first piece of advice that you may get from dentists is to brush your teeth regularly. This simple practice can repel unwanted food particles from your teeth, protect your tooth enamel from decay, and prevent gum disease that could cause you to lose your teeth. With that, brushing your teeth can also keep their natural sheen intact while also preventing the risks of discoloration that, in some cases, could leave permanent signs of damage. 

Don’t neglect flossing

When you get a detailed dental exam from your dentist, they may sometimes use an intraoral scanner that could give them a 3D image of your dental structure. Thankfully, flossing doesn’t require you to do any of that. Instead, you can use your dental floss to rub out stubborn food particles from in-between your teeth and prevent plaque formation. Besides keeping your teeth shining bright, this can also help you stay away from problems like gum disease. 

Wear a nightguard if necessary

If you have the habit of grinding your teeth when you sleep, you might do well with a nightguard that protects their enamel. A nightguard is a wearable dental device that you can put over your teeth before you go to bed. While custom nightguards can be close to a couple hundred dollars, regular ones are much cheaper. Depending upon your choice, you might need to dig into your high-yield savings account or be all set with spare change. 

Use a mouthguard if you play contact sports

Similar to a nightguard, a mouthguard is also a wearable dental device that protects your teeth from damage. The major difference is that a mouthguard is meant to be used during physical activities like contact sports where you may have a high risk of damaging your teeth. Some mouthguards may look like clear aligners that help you build confidence, while others might be more noticeable. You can discuss your options with your dentist to find the perfect fit.

Quit smoking as soon as possible

Woman and Man Smiling together photo

Smoking might look cool to some people, but it doesn’t come without its risks. Besides causing damage to your respiratory system and immune system, it can also leave a long-lasting impact on your teeth, gums, and mouth. In addition to yellowing teeth, smoking can also lead to gum disease and tooth loss. That is why you may want to try to quit smoking. With solutions like nicotine patches, you may easily achieve this feat. 

Reduce your alcohol consumption

While just as socially acceptable as smoking, drinking alcohol is just as harmful to your teeth as inhaling a cigarette. It’s because alcohol consumption directly affects your salivary glands, which could dry your mouth and prevent your teeth from fighting bad bacteria. This can end up in your teeth losing their strength and your mouth developing gum disease. By understanding tooth diseases that are caused by alcohol, you can learn how important it is to cut down its consumption. 

Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet that’s free of excessive sugar, caffeine, and hard foods can help protect your teeth from unwanted damage. When you consume a diet that’s rich in sugar-free dairy, citrus, crunchy fruits, and leafy greens, you can give your teeth the nutrients they need. If you have trouble finding healthy food recipes, you can get a recipe manager app that could help you create mouthwatering dishes with these ingredients. This practice can go beyond managing your dental health and take care of your overall wellbeing.  

Regularly visit your dentist 

Last, but not least, it is important that you visit your dentist at least once a year. This helps you stay on top of treatments like teeth whitening while also detecting any cavities before they grow out of hand. In addition to improving your smile and boosting your confidence, this also prevents the onset of serious dental conditions. In case you struggle with issues like sleep apnea or TMJ disorders, your dentist visits can also lead you to find effective and targeted treatment. 

After you learn more about these tips, you can confidently take care of your teeth and protect them against dental damage. This can keep you smiling for years with bright teeth that look just as happy as you.