NEO Beta: A Humanoid Robot Going to Change the World Forever!

NEO Beta: A Humanoid Robot Going to Change the World Forever!
Image by 1X

We are here in 2024 but it looks like we are living in 3024 as the all-new and the most intelligent humanoid made for humans and for homes unveiled by 1X robotics company.

They introduced the NEO Beta by uploading a video on their official YouTube channel which you can watch right below:

From the video itself, you can see that it looks like a guy in a suit pretending to be a humanoid.

But literally, this is not a human in a suit, it is actually a humanoid robot mimicking human movements and performing routine tasks like handing over a bag to a woman.

In an official announcement, 1X shared that the company wants to supply physical labor with safety, intelligence, and an understanding level to help humanoids live alongside humans for performing routine tasks for humans.

“Our priority is safety,” said by Bernt Børnich (CEO of 1X).

1X is already in search of homes to deploy a few units of NEO robots for research and development purposes to finally achieve its goal of mass-producing humanoids and making them available to everyone in the world.

So, finally, we are going to touch our very first completely capable humanoid robot that’s really a robot and not just a toy or an AI like Sophia or ChatGPT which are capable of listening and speaking but can't help with real-world tasks.

With the NEO humanoid robot, we will soon be able to ask him for tea, to clean the house, or do dishes for us.

No wonder this would change the world forever as many other tech giants are also working on humanoids such as Tesla, Boston Dynamics, and Apple with some famous robots like Figure 1 and more.

This would be the starting point of robots taking over jobs to force governments for basic pay for people who have no jobs at all.

Strange times ahead!