4 Tips for Monetizing Your Creative Writing Skills

Even professional writers can say that the process of crafting a book or a short story requires a great deal of work. However, when you start to commit to this skill as a starting point for success, your writing skills could be your major source of wealth.

4 Tips for Monetizing Your Creative Writing Skills

While AI platforms are democratizing the field by allowing anyone to become an author, it still takes specific skills to rise above everyone else on the market. Possessing a background in creative writing already puts you a step above everyone else.

It’s only a matter of knowing how you can bank on your craft. The good news is that opportunities are always available for creatives like yourself. With that being said, here’s a guide to help get the ball rolling.

1. Start taking up ghostwriting jobs

It might feel as though you’re cheating on yourself by writing material for someone else who will end up putting their name on the finished product. The truth is that ghostwriting is a highly lucrative field where many would-be authors will pay a lot to write a book, scientific report, or article on their behalf.

You can treat every ghostwriting job as an opportunity to hone your skills and expand your horizons beyond the fields, industries, and writing styles you’re accustomed to.

2. Get a job as a copywriter

Most people think that copywriting is a soulless corporate skill but many overlook the professional and monetary value it brings to the table. Companies pay a lot for expert copywriters because it takes skill, experience, and creativity to come up with marketing materials that somehow convince people to buy a product.

Having a background in creative writing is an advantage if you’re tapping into the profitable potential of copywriting. You just have to learn the basics of marketing and advertising and combine these learnings with your craft. From there, it’s possible to make thousands of dollars just by writing a five-word tagline!

3. Self-publish as an independent author

Thanks to technology, you won’t have to connect with a large publisher to put out your creative works. Platforms like Amazon offer you the opportunity to write original stories you can turn into sellable e-books.

You can also go beyond that by getting a company to print books written by you and reaching out to bookstores and independent publishers who can distribute your work.

The initial cost might be too heavy, but if your best work is out in the market, you might be able to enjoy a passive income stream consisting of book sales and royalties. 

4. Start your own creative writing course

In addition to writing original titles and helping PhD candidates edit their theses, you can also use what you’ve learned about your craft as a starting point for an online course.

Especially if you have developed a professional writing reputation, starting a course would offer a new way to generate passive income and enrich your credibility as a writer.

Platforms like Skillshare and Masterclass are some of the best avenues for offering self-paced learning materials to individuals who are eager to tap into your creative experience and wisdom.


Whether or not you have a degree in creative writing, having an uncanny skill to pen incredible stories opens you up to a world of possibilities. Start with these tips and make a name for yourself in addition to making a great deal of money.