Moving an IT specialist to Poland: step-by-step instructions

Moving an IT specialist to Poland: step-by-step instructions

In recent years, Poland has become a real magnet for IT specialists from all over Europe and CIS countries. Its developed infrastructure, high standard of living, loyal attitude towards foreigners and, of course, attractive salaries - all this makes this country an ideal place for those who want to develop in the IT sector.

But how does an IT specialist move to Poland and set up his/her life there?

In this article, we will go through all the steps of this process in detail, from job search to paperwork and adapting to the new environment.

1. Finding a job

The first step is, of course, finding a job. You have several options:

- Searching on your own. You can browse job openings on job sites.

- The help of a recruitment agency. A number of agencies specialise in recruiting IT professionals to work in Poland. They can help you find vacancies that match your skills and experience, as well as help you prepare a CV and cover letter in Polish.

- Relocation programmes. Some IT companies in Poland offer relocation programmes for foreign professionals. These programmes usually include assistance in finding accommodation, paperwork and adapting to life in a new country.

2- Drawing up documents

Once you have found a job, you will need to draw up a number of documents to move to Poland.

- Work visa. You will need a work visa to work in Poland. You can obtain one from the Polish consulate in your country. To apply for a visa, you will need to provide a number of documents, including a work invitation from a Polish employer, passport, health insurance, etc.

- Visit Card. Once you arrive in Poland, you will need to obtain a residence card. This is a document that gives you the right to stay and work in the country. You can obtain a residence card from the Voivodeship Office for Foreigners.

Moving an IT specialist to Poland: step-by-step instructions

3. Moving and settling in

Once you have all the necessary documents, you can move to Poland.

First steps:

- Finding accommodation. You can find accommodation on your own or with the help of your employer.

- Registering your place of residence. You will need to register your place of residence within 7 days after your arrival in Poland.

- Opening a bank account. You will need a bank account to receive your salary and pay your bills.

- Getting health insurance. Poland has a compulsory health insurance system.

- Learning Polish. Knowledge of Polish is not compulsory, but it will make your life in the country much easier.

Adapting to a new environment

Moving to a new country is always stressful. To make adapting to a new environment easier,

- socialise with other immigrants. There are many immigrant communities in Poland where you can find people who will be happy to support you.

- Learn Polish culture.

- Be open to new things. Don't be afraid to try new things and meet new people.

Moving to Poland is a great chance for IT professionals to develop their career and improve their quality of life.

With a little effort, you can successfully settle in this country and make it your new home.


- The earlier you start planning your move, the better.

- Don't be afraid to ask for help from others.

- Believe in yourself and your strength.

Good luck!