Installation and Maintenance Tips for RV Pedestals

Installation and Maintenance Tips for RV Pedestals

Going on an RV trip is indeed a thrilling new experience every single time. An important factor that guarantees all is well on these trips is the RV pedestal. It acts as a bridge that brings electricity to your RV.

Without proper installation and maintenance of your RV pedestal you will have a lot of problems while camping. Not only do proper installation and maintenance guarantee your RV operates optimally but they also protect against possible safety risks. Learning how to choose, properly connect, and maintain your RV pedestal will improve your traveling experience, making it considerably safer and more enjoyable. 

Selecting the Right RV Pedestal for Your Type of Use

Choosing the right RV pedestals is the first step in the process. To begin with, you should determine the power requirements of your recreational vehicle. The majority of the pedestals provide multiple electrical sockets that start from 20 amps up to 50 amps. Make sure the pedestal you opt for can support the maximum electrical load of your recreational vehicle, to prevent power outages and various risks.

Another factor to look at is the construction of the pedestal, especially important if you often visit camps that experience a lot of weather changes. Choose materials for the pedestals that will not get affected by factors such as rain, snow or the scorching sun, and which will serve the intended purpose for several cycles.

Installation Instructions for RV Pedestals

a. Location and Positioning

Visually scan for the best and safest place to install the pedestal. It should be proximal to the RV for connection but sufficiently distant from pedestrian traffic to avoid close contact.

b. Securing the Pedestal

After the location of the pedestal has been determined, make sure that it is anchored to the ground. Depending on the model, you may need to secure it to a concrete pad or by placing stakes in the ground.

c. Connecting Utilities 

Install the electrical wiring and any other utilities that your pedestal supports. Sometimes, this step involves adhering to certain guidelines offered by the manufacturer. Ensure that all joints are properly tightened to avoid any losses such as a current leakage or other electrical problems.

d. Testing the Connections 

Before you call it a day, ensure that all connections have been checked. Switch on an electrical device to check the correctness of their functioning. Ensure there is no electrical short circuit or any other issue, and correct them in case there is.

RV Pedestals Maintenance Tips for Longevity

It is equally important to look after the RV pedestals once installed. Ensure that it undergoes regular maintenance so that it stays in good working condition and remains safe to operate.

a. Inspect Regularly

It is important to inspect your RV pedestal for signs of wear and tear, especially before and after each trip. Check for any signs of stress such as cracks, rust, or loose components and fix them.

b. Clean Regularly 

Avoid exposing the pedestal to dirt and other related materials which may cause it to deteriorate after some time. All you require to keep it looking and working new is that you wipe it with a damp cloth occasionally.


When properly selected, installed, and maintained, your RV pedestal can last you for many years without requiring replacement. These steps are not only to safeguard your safety and comfort but also to preserve the value of your RVing experience. For the first time traveler or a continuous traveler, you have to invest some of your time in following the tips above.