ChatGPT 5 release date, price, rumors, features and more we know

ChatGPT 5 release date, price, rumors, features and more we know


  • Release Timeline: ChatGPT-5 is expected to be released in late 2024.
  • Enhanced Capabilities: ChatGPT-5 will feature improved human-like interaction.
  • Rumors and Expectations: Capabilities like creating virtual companions.
  • Price Plans: A free tier, a $20-$30 pro tier, and API access costs.

ChatGPT changed the world after its first release on November 30, 2022, by OpenAI and then forced all other tech giants to release their own models when the company released ChatGPT-4 in March 2023.

Rest is the history in making as OpenAI focused more on its Chatbot by upgrading it to a premium version and then releasing ChatGPT-4o (an omni version) that empowers you to upload images, text, audio, and even videos to ask more technical and deep questions with voice commands.

Now everybody's article that’s related to AI mentions ChatGPT at least once and refers to OpenAI as the #1 company for making AI mainstream.

Following the release of upgraded versions, we expect that ChatGPT-5 may come in the near future.

“ChatGPT 5 will be a state-of-the-art language model that makes it feel like you are communicating with a person rather than a machine,” says OpenAI.

We can expect ChatGPT 5 to be the real game changer as Sam Altman once said that ChatGPT-4 is just the dumbest version of ChatGPT.

What’s the release date of ChatGPT 5?

Let me fix the question first, it should be like “When can we expect ChatGPT-5 to be released to the general public?” And the answer is here:

The expected release date for ChatGPT 5 is: Late 2024

However, considering the release timeline of previous versions of ChatGPT and statements made by OpenAI (ChatGPT parent company) CEO Sam Altman, we can make an educated prediction about the release date of ChatGPT-5.

  1. ChatGPT-3 was released in June 2020.
  2. ChatGPT-4 followed almost three years later in March 2023.
  3. OpenAI has been consistently working on advancing its models, and Sam Altman has indicated that significant progress is being made with both GPT-5 and GPT-6.

Given this pattern and Sam Altman's comments and hints, it is reasonable to predict that ChatGPT-5 will likely be released in late 2024 or early 2025.

Yes, we may finally touch the latest version (maybe) on New Year's Evening, while many “red team” members will soon be able to test the latest version of ChatGPT being dubbed as ChatGPT-5.

The “red teaming” method is something like allowing access to a product to experts and insiders earlier than releasing it to the public so that they can address issues.

However, while speaking at WGS (World Governments Summit) in Dubai, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman shared that the next version of ChatGPT is going to be smarter.

He continued sharing more about ChatGPT-5 when on March 19 he shared in a podcast with Lex Fridman that “We will release an amazing model this year. I don’t know what we’ll call it.”

Further making the our minds go blind, last September during a speech at alumni reunion of Y Combinator Sam Altman confirmed that GPT-5 and GPT-6 “were in the bag”.

Then in November 2023, he went on to say to The Financial Times that OpenAI was working on ChatGPT 5 but never shared the expected release date.

You may be surprised to read that:

Several enterprise customers have had the opportunity to preview the latest enhancements to ChatGPT alongside a sneak peek of the new model, GPT-5. Business Insider reported.

This might be earlier as OpenAI is still working on making the GPT 5 version stronger enough, the version tested by enterprise customers would have fewer capabilities than the actual version.

Price Plans of ChatGPT 5

Predicting the exact pricing for the ChatGPT-5 version is only possible with official announcements from OpenAI or any hints from Sam Altman.

However, we can still make educated guesses based on previous pricing models and AI-industry trends.

Subscription Tiers:

OpenAI is allowing free access to ChatGPT-4o which is the current version of ChatGPT but with limited prompts and time and a Pro Tier of the same version for $20 and we can expect the same thing for ChatGPT-5 as:

  1. Free Tier: As with previous versions, there might be a free tier with limited access to ChatGPT-5’s capabilities.
  2. Pro Tier: Similar to the ChatGPT Plus plan for accessing ChatGPT 4-o, which costs $20 per month, there might be a paid tier ChatGPT-5 for enhanced access, faster response times, and priority during peak times with no limits.

Enterprise Solutions:

OpenAI might offer customized pricing plans of the ChatGPT 5 version for businesses and enterprises, potentially with higher fees depending on usage, integration needs, and support requirements.

API Access:

For individual developers and companies using ChatGPT-5 via API, pricing could be usage-based, similar to existing API pricing structures. This typically involves charges based on the number of requests or the amount of computational power used by third parties.

Given these factors, the pricing for ChatGPT-5 might range as follows:

  1. Free Tier: Basic access with usage limits.
  2. Pro/Plus Tier: Around $20 to $30 per month.
  3. Enterprise/API Access: Variable, based on usage and specific requirements, potentially ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars per month for high-volume users.

These estimates are speculative and should be confirmed with official announcements from OpenAI closer to the release date as nobody else can actually make a final announcement other than officials from OpenAI.

Rumors about ChatGPT 5

Just like its predecessors, enormous rumors are speculating over social media platforms such as Reddit and Facebook.

People are talking about things such as:

  • ChatGPT-5 will be able to produce complete web series and movies with one command
  • ChatGPT-5 will allow everyone to make a virtual girlfriend or a virtual boyfriend
  • ChatGPT-5 will be able to code a complete game or app with one prompt
  • ChatGPT-5 will help everyone be a scientist, an engineer, or even a Prime Minister

However, these are some fake and irrelevant rumors about OpenAI's upcoming ChatGPT version.

Here's a list of some real and expectable upgrades and features that can be categorized as rumors-to-be-true at launch:

  1. Enhanced multimodal capabilities.
  2. Improved human-like interaction.
  3. Higher customization options.
  4. Expanded language support.
  5. Advanced voice interaction.
  6. Better integration with tools.
  7. Ethical and safety improvements.
  8. More efficient and cost-effective.
  9. Integration with AR and VR.
  10. Advanced problem-solving abilities.

While some of these rumored features of ChatGPT 5 are already there in the 4o version, we can expect to have them re-imagined and re-improved.

The thing I have yet not talked about is Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Yes, the ChatGPT 5 version would have this integrated into the model including 1.5 trillion parameters making it the most powerful AI chatbot ever made by any tech company.

So, will there be a ChatGPT-5 version at all?

As per my knowledge and after reading relevant news reports on trusted websites such as Bloomberg, Business Insider, and The Financial Times, I can confidently say that there will be ChatGPT-5 with big improvements and significantly large training data to enable us to make more smart moves.