Bing Search Results Becomes AI-First

Bing’s new AI redesign for results pages shows AI-generated summaries for your queries at the front and center of the page giving traditional search results to show in the right sidebar of the page.

This new layout for Bing is not currently released for everyone but is showing a few queries to a small number of users.

While Google and other search engines are still trying to figure out how they should show AI-generated answers without ruining traditional results, Bing’s redesign is a completely different approach favoring AI answers over websites and blogs.

Microsoft’s approach to Bing’s new redesign that favors AI more than basic web results is something extraordinary and better than Google's.

Here's what I got to see when I searched "what is a spaghetti western" on Bing's newly designed "Bing generative search" result page:

I searched "what is a spaghetti western" on Bing's newly designed "Bing generative search" result page

Yes, to me, it is better than most of the other search engines.


The main page with the redesigned interface Bing shows an AI-generated summary, then some bullet points and straight facts. After that, we see some web results and then videos and more.

While we are already ready for the next search, we can see documents and then the basic “Search results” consisting of all the pages that might have ranked at the first page on the old design of the SERPs.

Amazing right?

This means that Bing’s new AI-redesigned results page is creatively utilizing the entire page to show AI and traditional results without confusing the user.

Dubbing it as a “New AI-generated layout” Microsoft says that this combines Bing search with large and small language models to understand search queries and show results after reviewing millions of indexed sources in Bing servers.

On the other hand, while Google is kicking out most of the bloggers and websites out of its index and SERPs, Bing’s approach is designed to maintain clicks to websites for supporting a healthy web ecosystem.

Here's a demo:

Here’s a search result for “how long can elephants live” on Bing’s new AI redesign being termed as “Bing generate search” by Microsoft:

“how long can elephants live” on Bing’s new AI redesign

This means that bloggers and media houses would soon turn to Bing for generating organic traffic and they may force their audiences to use Bing for their own good.

To your notes, Google already has a similar feature called “AI Overview” that shows AI-generated summaries and information cards for your queries (not for all queries) and which you can turn on and off. Bing’s new design may also come with a turn-on and off option.

Whatever happens, this new AI redesign of Bing is far better than any other search engine on the internet as it brings almost every type of information that you may need for your search just on one page so you might not have to go to the 2nd page of the search results.