Current Status and More!, a website (now debunked) aiming to be a one-stop shop for diverse trending topics, has garnered some attention for the past few months as many tech bloggers are covering updates about the website frequently. Current Status and More!

While everybody is talking about trendzguruji website, I am here to share my analysis for digging into its potential and explore what information is available regarding its current state. So lets read: Awareness:

Information about's awareness seems limited as there's no official channel where the owner is sharing any kind of information regarding the current status and we can't figure out the real information on any other website as well.

While articles promoting the website exist from late 2023 and early 2024, there's a lack of recent data on its overall public recognition or reach as no article really gives any information regarding the actual website.

The only information we have about Awareness term is that: It is just a search term as the website was showing a main category for Awareness related articles on tech and more.

So we are here to discuss more of its main categories:

Must Know:

Based on available information from various reputable websites, some key aspects of appear to be:

  • Comprehensiveness: Covering various subjects like technology, health, travel, and business, it aimed to cater to a broad audience.
  • Informative Content: Articles on the latest trends, insights, and instructional guides were offered across these diverse categories.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

There's no concrete information available regarding the website's specific SEO strategies or their effectiveness in search engine rankings. But they have been publishing SEO guides with basic information regarding SEO terms and factors.

Cyber Info:

The website was offering basic information regarding Cyber security and Cyber info but there's limited details exist about the website's approach to cybersecurity or any potential concerns related to user data or privacy.

Google Stuff:

As the website is currently down and the Wayback Machine data shows little no information, it's unclear to what extent the website focused on Google-specific information or trends.

Current Status:

While offered a variety of content and aimed to be a comprehensive information hub, its current activity level is uncertain and the main domain name is up for sale.

Similarweb shows a significant decrease in its global ranking over the past three months suggesting a potential decline in website traffic and user engagement.

Possible Reasons for Decline:

Several factors could have contributed to a potential decline:

  • Shifting trends: The online landscape is constantly evolving, and the topics covered by might have become less relevant over time.
  • Lack of updates: If the website wasn't updated regularly with fresh content, user engagement might have decreased.
  • Competition: The website might have faced competition from other platforms offering similar content in a more engaging or updated format.

The lack of recent information about its activity or updates further raises questions about its current status.


While the website's potential for providing diverse informational content is evident, its current activity level and overall effectiveness remain unclear and blurred due to no official statements from the creators.

Further research or monitoring of the website itself might be necessary to gain a more comprehensive understanding of its current state.