Beginner's Guide to Learning Stock Trading

Investing is a way of increasing your wealth over time. Stock is one of the most popular investment options. You become a shareholder when you invest in stocks, which will allow you to profit from the company's profitability and growth.

Beginner's Guide to Learning Stock Trading

However, the stock market can also be volatile. You may be able to make appropriate decisions and potentially earn returns on your investment by understanding the basic principles of the stock market. Look at the basics of share market in detail in this article.

What is a Stock?

A stock represents a share in the company’s ownership which you can purchase. You are a shareholder when you own the stock, which means you have a small ownership in the company. There are two ways to make money as a shareholder: if the value of the company increases, your shares can be worth more, and you can sell them for a profit. In addition, some companies pay a portion of their profits as dividends to their shareholders. If the company is doing well, stocks can be bought and sold on the stock market, where their prices can rise and fall.

What is a Share Market?

The share market, sometimes referred to as the stock market, serves as a marketplace for the exchange of publicly traded company shares between buyers and sellers. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) monitors the operation of stock exchanges and makes sure listed companies comply with rules and disclosure requirements. It is responsible for regulating the market.

How Does the Stock Market Work?

To clearly understand the concept of “how share market works”, you must know that the stock market is like a marketplace for buying and selling shares. A company can sell stock to raise money when it wants to grow. Those who purchase these stocks do so as shareholders, gaining an ownership or stake in the company. The stock price may rise as long as the company is doing well and making money. Meanwhile, people can sell their stocks for a higher price and make some money. The other thing is, if the company doesn't do well, their stock price might fall and people would be losing money.

Who Determines the Price of the Stock?

According to the usual rules of demand and supply, the market forces determine the price of the shares. Normally, when the stock price goes up when a company's growth is very fast, profits are high, or when new orders come in. The demand for stocks will increase and the stock price will rise as more investors are willing to invest in it.

Assume that the demand for the products of the company has been reduced as a result of negative reviews. This can harm the company's revenue and the stock price since the shareholders want to sell their shares because of the fear of losing more.

Key Financial Instruments to Trade in the Stock Market

The financial instruments are mandatory to understand for stock trading for beginners.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds allow investors to indirectly participate in stock markets or bonds. They collect funds from a variety of investors. Mutual funds are managed by experienced fund managers and offer units of investments that represent the interests of investors.  Mutual funds offer an attractive choice, offering a wide range of investment opportunities and good management to investors seeking diversification in their portfolios.


By issuing bonds and borrowing from a diverse group of investors who receive regular monthly interest payments, companies can raise funds for new business initiatives. These are financial commitments in which the principal amount of the bond is invested by the investors. They receive regular interest payments at the end of the term of the bond. The face value, the coupon rate, and the maturity date are essential details of bonds. To invest in bonds, it is necessary to monitor changes in yields.


Shares give unit ownership of the publicly listed companies in the stock market. As market dynamics affect the value of shares, shareholders are witnessing both successes and possible failures in a company. The shares are traded on the secondary market, which allows investors to buy or sell by current market conditions. The ownership of shares means that the company's gains and losses are shared, which makes it a dynamic and potentially more risky investment. With that, if you're investing in the best small cap stock, you do have a lot of potential gains that do go along with the risk of investing. It's all about balance when trading stocks.


One of the easiest ways to increase your wealth is by investing in stocks. However, there are certain risks to be taken into account. It is important to consider your investment objectives, risk appetite, and investment horizon before investing, in addition to understanding the basics of the stock market.

Review the company's financial statements to analyze its prospects. To start, open a Demat account at Kotak Securities free of cost. The reputed firm has a team of experts who offer in-depth analysis of all the stocks in detail.