How to Clean up your Big Screen TV

Television has been used for screen entertainment from many years and decades, people found TV to be the best invention for infortainment, of the technology. Big screen TVs are shown in the living rooms and bedrooms of your houses, you can not keep them in your pockets.

How to Clean up your Big Screen TV

In this article we will discuss about how to clean up your big screen TV, because watching a big screen with dust and stains on it, can ruin the enjoyment. 

How to Clean up your Big Screen TV 

This guide will be helpful for you if you want to clean up your big screen TV, you can also follow this guide to clean the screen of your computer monitor, iPads or laptop.

Steps to Clean up Computer Monitor or TV Screen

These are the easy and for dummies steps to clean a big TV:
  1. First of all turn your device (TV/ Computer) off, so you will not have any security risk and you can easily find from where the screen needs to be clean up.
  2. Take a microfiber cloth or dry eraser and gently wipe the screen.
  3. If your screen can not be cleaned up with the dry cloth, don't try to remove any stain by pushing the screen harshly. For LED/ LCD pushing the screen can damage it.
  4. You can take a spray bottle of any brand to clean up the TV screen, these sprays are easily available in the market.
  5. And if you don't have the spray, wet the cloth in the distilled water or a mixture of distilled water and white vinegar.
  6. And gently remove the stains with the wet cloth from the screen.
  7. You can use any multipurpose cleaner to clean the plastic edges of your device, but be careful while choosing product for your screen cleaning.

What To Do Before

Follow these instructions before you start to clean the screen of your TV:

  1. Don't use towels, tissue paper, toilet paper, rags or any ordinary cloth you use for cleaning at home.
  2. Don't use products which contain ammonia and ethyl alcohol, toluene, acetone and ethyl acetate. As these chemical can damage your TV screen.
  3. Don't use the spray or liqquid directly on the screen, spray any liquid on the cloth which you are goin to use to clean the screen.
  4. These caring methods can help you to keep your TV screen clean and safe from any damage.


Q: From where I can buy a TV screen cleaning product?

Ans: You can buy screen cleaning products from Amazon or using Facebook Marketplace. However, it is better if you buy from a local computer store.

Q: How to clean iPad screen?

Ans: You can follow the above guide to clean the screen of your TV, Computer monitor, iPad or Laptop.

So, this was a helpful guide for the ones who have decorated their living rooms and meeting rooms with big TV screens and careful about the cleaning of their TV screens.

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