Think Outside the Box: Engaging Activities for Expanding Your Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is an important part of problem-solving and decision-making. It allows us to come up with new and innovative ideas, solve complex problems, and make better decisions. Being able to think outside the box is essential for success in any field.

Think Outside the Box: Engaging Activities for Expanding Your Creative Thinking

However, it can be challenging to stay creative and maintain creative thinking. Fortunately, there are a variety of activities that can help you to expand your creative thinking and keep your mind open to new ideas. 

What is Creative Thinking?

Creative thinking is defined as the ability to think in new and innovative ways. It involves looking at problems from different perspectives and considering unconventional solutions. Creative thinking is an important part of problem-solving, decision-making, and creativity in general. It helps us to come up with new ideas, solve complex problems, and make better decisions. 

The Benefits of Creative Thinking

The benefits of creative thinking are numerous. Creative thinking can help you develop new skills, come up with innovative solutions to problems, and make better decisions. It also helps you to stay motivated and inspired, and it can help you to become more productive. Additionally, creative thinking can help to improve your communication skills, allowing you to better express yourself and interact with others.

Engaging Activities for Expanding Your Creative Thinking

When it comes to expanding your creative thinking, there are a variety of activities that can help. Here are a few engaging activities that can help you to think outside the box:

1. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a great way to generate new ideas. It involves gathering a group of people together and encouraging them to come up with as many ideas as possible. The ideas can be related to a particular problem or situation, or can simply be random. The key is to generate as many ideas as possible and to not limit yourself. 

2. Making pottery

It is a creative activity that can be both calming and stimulating. It involves using clay to create a variety of objects, from functional items such as mugs and bowls, to decorative sculptures. Pottery making workshops at Atelier Forma Studio encourages problem-solving, as the artist must figure out how to achieve the desired results. It also requires patience and practice to perfect the skills needed to make quality pieces.

3. Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is another great way to generate new ideas. It involves creating a visual representation of your thoughts and ideas. You can create a mind map by drawing circles or boxes around related ideas and connecting them with lines. This is a great way to explore different ideas and to come up with a creative solution.

4. Playing Games

Playing games is an excellent way to expand your creative thinking. Games such as chess, Go, and Scrabble can help to stimulate your mind and get you to think in new ways. Additionally, there are many online games that can help to sharpen your creative thinking.

5. Taking a Break

Taking a break can be a great way to refresh your mind and come up with new ideas. Taking a walk, meditating, or simply daydreaming can help to give you a new perspective on a problem or situation. Additionally, taking a break can help to reduce stress and improve your mental clarity. 

6. Writing and Drawing

Writing and drawing are both great ways to explore new ideas and come up with creative solutions. Writing can help you to organize your thoughts and explore different angles of a problem. Drawing can help to visualize ideas and can be a great way to brainstorm.


Creative thinking is an essential skill for success in any field. It allows us to come up with new ideas, solve complex problems, and make better decisions. Fortunately, there are a variety of activities that can help to expand your creative thinking and keep your mind open to new ideas. Brainstorming, mind mapping, playing games, taking a break, and writing and drawing are all excellent activities for expanding your creative thinking and thinking outside the box.