How to Find Best Guest Post Opportunities?

Guest posting is one of the most effective strategies to improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) and help you gain some organic traffic that doesn't require regular ad spending.

How to Find Best Guest Post Opportunities?

As it involves writing articles or blogs for other websites or blogs, where you can include links to your website. It might look a different way of content marketing, however, this is the best method to get long-term results.

Guest posting can help you build your brand, increase your online visibility, and drive more traffic to your website than sales. However, finding the right guest post opportunities can be a challenging task.

In this article, we will discuss the top 10 different and free methods to find the best guest post opportunities around you.

Let's read:

How to Find the Best Guest Post Opportunities?

Discover 10 methods to find the best guest post opportunities and boost your website's SEO. With insights from real data, learn how guest posting can help you reach the right audience organically:

1. Google Search Operators

Google itself is a powerful search engine that can help you find guest post opportunities for any niche you can imagine. By using specific search operators, you can find websites and blogs that are looking for guest posts.

For example, if you are looking for guest post opportunities in the health and wellness niche, you can use the following search query: "health and wellness" + "write for us."

Here's a list of 20 different search operators for Google to help you find the best guest posting opportunities using google search engine:

Search OperatorExplanation
"write for us" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that are looking for guest posts
"guest post" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that mention "guest post" on the pages
"submit a guest post" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that have a page about submitting guest posts
"contribute to" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that are frequently looking for guest contributors
"become a contributor" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that are looking for permanent guest contributors
"guest post by" + [your name]Find the old websites where you have previously published as a guest blogger
"guest author" + [your name]Find websites where you have previously guest posted even years or months ago
"submit blog post" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that published a page saying Submit Blog Post or something like that
"submit article" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that accept guest articles for free or paid
"submit content" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that accept free and paid content submissions
"write for me" + [niche]Find personal blogs and personal websites in your niche that are looking for writers
"bloggers wanted" + [niche]Find business websites and digital magazines in your niche that are looking for bloggers
"contributors wanted" + [niche]Find websites and online magazines in your niche that are looking for contributors
"become an author" + [niche]Find sites and blogs in your niche that are looking for authors and these are the best to work with
"accepting guest posts" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that are currently accepting guest posts from content marketers and bloggers
"accept guest posts" + [niche]Find websites in your niche that accept guest posts (free or paid)
"submit your post" + [niche]Find websites in your niche where you can submit your post instantly
"submit your article" + [niche]Find websites in your niche where you can submit your article and wait for it to be published for free
"write for our blog" + [niche]Find blogs in your niche that are actively looking for writers
"submit blog" + [niche]Find blogs in your niche that accept blog submissions (free and paid)

Just type or copy/paste any of the search operator mentioned in the table above in Google search and hit the enter, you will get hundreds of sites and blogs.

If you ever asked "How do I find the best guest posting site?" then these terms can help you a lot and if you can use these operators carefully and add your niche accordingly in the [ ] you can do wonders.

2. Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn are another great way to find guest post opportunities. You can use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other platforms to connect with other bloggers and website owners for their and your own benefit.

Follow bloggers and websites in your niche and engage with their content by commenting, liking, and sharing their posts. By building a relationship with them, you may be able to secure a guest post opportunity too.

According to a survey conducted by OptinMonster, 60% of bloggers write guest posts to get more traffic to their websites. 

Additionally, 69% of bloggers say that guest posting is a great way to build relationships with other bloggers in their niche.

3. Guest Blogging Communities

Joining guest blogging communities is another way to find guest post opportunities. These communities are groups of bloggers on Facebook, Quora, LinkedIn, Twitter, or even Reddit who are interested in guest posting for their blogs.

By joining these communities, you can connect with fellow bloggers and find opportunities to guest post on their blogs. Some popular guest blogging communities include Adsy, WhitePress, MyBlogGuest, Blogger Linkup, and GuestPostTracker and they also got the websites.

4. Competitor Analysis

Analyzing your competitors' websites can also help you find guest post opportunities and that's the best ever way to gain more traffic using SEO via guest posting.

Look for websites that have accepted guest posts from your competitors. You can use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz to find these websites. Once you have a list of websites, reach out to them and pitch your guest post idea. Boom, you are doing great to beat your competitors.

According to a survey by HubSpot, 60% of marketers say that blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. Additionally, companies that blog receive 97% more links to their website.

5. Industry Directories

Industry directories are another great way to find guest blogging opportunities. These directories list websites in your niche, and many of them accept guest posts for a fee and few will surely help you with their free guest posting options.

Some popular industry directories include AllTop, Blogarama, and PrepostSEO. Look for websites that are relevant to your niche and reach out to them with your guest post idea. Don't just ask for placing your guest post, say a greeting and then softly ask if they are accepting guest contributions or not.

6. Guest Blogging Services

There are many guest blogging services and dedicated platforms available that can help you find guest post opportunities. These services connect bloggers and website owners with brands and services who are looking for guest posts.

Some popular guest blogging services include Adsy, WhitePress, BlogManagement, Blogger Outreach, Fat Joe, and OutreachMama. However, be careful when using these services, as some may not be reputable and some may cost more than what you can easily pay.

7. Google Alerts

Setting up Google Alerts is a unique method to find guest blog posting opportunities.

With Google Alerts, you can receive notifications when websites in your niche publish new content with a specific keyword. You can use these notifications to find websites that accept guest posts.

Set up alerts for specific keywords related to your niche and reach out to the websites that publish content related to those keywords.

When you find some quality websites or blogs, you can reach out to them via email or other possible ways from their contact us pages and ask if they are allowing guest posts.

8. Podcast Guesting

Podcasting is a popular form of content creation, and many podcasters accept guest interviews too. Reach out to podcasters in your niche and pitch your guest interview idea. You can include a link to your website in the show notes or in the interview itself and since every podcaster is uploading a video on YouTube, you can ask them to add your website's link in the description of your interview video on YouTube. If you're a podcaster yourself, you can learn about interviewing guests with these 5 steps from Libsyn.

According to a survey by Podcast Insights, there are over 2 million podcasts available, and over 47% of the US population listens to podcasts. So the chance is high that you receive some traffic too. 

Additionally, 61% of podcast listeners have purchased a product or service they heard about on a podcast. So they might visit your website too and buy your offerings as well.

9. Expert Roundups

Expert roundups are a great way to get exposure and build relationships in your niche. Many bloggers and website owners create expert roundup posts, where they ask experts in their niche to contribute their thoughts or opinions on a specific topic and they help the publisher and the blogger in a win-win situation. As most bloggers ask the contributors to add a backlink to the expert roundup post. Many experts also write their hearts out in such expert roundups and sometimes it makes news too (helping you not just build backlinks but get more than just the links).

Tip: Reach out to bloggers and website owners in your niche and ask if they are planning to create an expert roundup post. If they are, ask if you can contribute your thoughts or opinions too.

10. Cold Outreach

Finally, cold outreach can also be an effective way to find guest post opportunities on various blogs and sites.

Go and find websites in your niche that you would like to guest post on using Google search operators and reach out to them via email. Introduce yourself, explain why you would like to guest post on their website, and pitch your guest post idea. That's it.

Let me also answer some really common questions:

How important is guest posting for SEO?

Guest posting is incredibly important for SEO, as it can help you build high-quality backlinks to your website, which can improve your search engine rankings. In fact, a study by Moz found that link signals (including the number and quality of backlinks) are the most important factor in Google's search algorithm. Additionally, a study by Ahrefs found that the more backlinks a page has, the higher its search rankings tend to be. By guest posting on high-quality websites, you can improve your website's authority and visibility in search results.

How many backlinks should I aim to get from guest posting?

The number of backlinks you should aim to get from guest posting will vary depending on your niche and competition. However, a study by Moz found that websites with a high number of backlinks tend to rank higher in search results.

In general, it's a good idea to aim for as many high-quality backlinks as possible from guest posting, as long as the websites you are guest posting on are relevant to your niche and have a good reputation.

How can I measure the success of my guest posting efforts?

To measure the success of your guest posting efforts, you can use a tool like Google Analytics to track the traffic and engagement your guest posts are driving to your website. Additionally, you can track the number and quality of backlinks you are getting from guest posting using a tool like Ahrefs.

By tracking these metrics over time, you can see how your guest posting efforts are impacting your website's SEO and overall success.

How can I ensure my guest posts are high-quality and engaging?

To ensure your guest posts are high-quality and engaging, it's important to research the website or blog you are guest posting on and tailor your content to their audience and tone and not just think about building backlinks. Additionally, you should focus on creating content that is unique, informative, and valuable to readers.

A study by Orbit Media found that blog posts with more than 1,500 words tend to get more social shares and backlinks, so it's a good idea to aim for longer, more in-depth content.

Are there any risks associated with guest posting?

While guest posting can be a highly effective SEO strategy, there are some risks associated with it. For example, if you post on low-quality websites or use spammy tactics to build backlinks, you could be penalized by Google and see a decrease in your search rankings.

Additionally, some website owners may not give you proper credit or may use your content without permission. To avoid these risks, it's important to be selective about the websites you guest post on and to follow ethical and best practices for SEO.


Guest posting is an effective way to improve your website's SEO, build your brand, and drive more traffic to your website. By using the ten methods discussed in this article, you can find the best guest post opportunities and start reaping the benefits of guest posting.

According to a survey by Content Marketing Institute, 92% of marketers say that content creation is either "very important" or "somewhat important" to their overall marketing strategy. Additionally, 72% of marketers say that content marketing increases engagement and generates more leads than traditional marketing methods.

Therefore, it is essential to create quality content and leverage guest posting as part of your content marketing strategy. By publishing guest posts on high-quality websites, you can improve your website's authority, increase your online visibility, and drive more traffic to your website.