LinkedIn Is Enabling Creators with New Clickable Links, Templates, and New Carousels
LinkedIn is going after digital creators to enable them on the platform with a lot of new changes and announced more features on Thursday.

Rolling out Carousels, the professional network announced new features to enable creators to easily generate more content and engage their followers on LinkedIn.
Now users on LinkedIn with a creator profile will be able to post Clickable links on images and videos.
Another feature is about posting with new templates, yes, a few new templates for text posts just like you use Facebook templates for text posts with different colors and background options.
And the best of the best, carousels, this is a new thing on LinkedIn and on any other social media platform that you can now post carousels with images or videos and post multiple images or videos into one post for better engagement.
If you are a digital content creator or a digital marketing specialist, you will be amazed to see clickable links on images and videos on LinkedIn as other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok are providing such features exclusively to advertisers only.
But, LinkedIn is enabling every creator to post clickable media and generate free traffic to their websites.
All of these mentioned new features on LinkedIn will be rolled out to all the users in the coming weeks, LinkedIn confirms in a blog post.