LastPass reports sensitive data breach
LastPass (a password manager) data got leaked, the company has a users base of more than 25 million people who blindly trust the company to store their personal credentials using LastPass’s online platform that protects users from typing a password again and again to avoid hacking and phishing attacks.
lastpass data breach (allblogthings) |
In a recently published blog post, the Chief Executive of LastPass shared that users’ passwords were not affected in this hacking attack where hackers stole their source code and some sensitive data.
LastPass CEO Karim Toubba claimed in the post:
"Our investigation has shown no evidence of any unauthorized access to customer data in our production environment."
LastPass uses a master password method for allowing their users to store passwords for all other websites ranging from social media, online retailers, banking websites/apps, business apps, and whatever website that needs a password to log in is compatible with LastPass’s technology.
The only bad side is if your master password is in the hands of a hacker, he can easily login to any website to access your personal data without letting you know.
However, LastPass claims that there’s no sign of users’ master password being compromised at any level and users don’t have to worry about it.
The company advised users that no action is needed from their end.
The hacking attempt was occured about two weeks ago and the company said nothing more about it.