Creator Economy Grew by More Than 165 Million Creators Over The Last 2 Years, claims report
In a new report, it was revealed that “In the past two years, more than 165 million people joined global creator economy” and reached 303 million creators in the world.
Report shared that “One in the four people are creators who are contributing content ranging from creative writing, photography, videos, social media influencers and bloggers,” it added.

The best part of the report is, that now nearly 42% of the creators are millennials and only 14% of the creators are from Gen Z (that’s also a good sign).
The downturn from the report (Future of Creativity by Adobe) shows that only influencers make up more than 14% of the global creator economy which looks low when we can see a lot of influencers in almost every niche and industry.
Most Influencers and Creators claim that creating content and sharing it online is a unique business that they can’t find anywhere else.
The creator economy is mostly focused on the below topics:
- Food
- Housing Security
- Social Justice
- Climate Change
And the surprise of this new repot is “6 out of 10 creators have full-time jobs and for the majority of creators, creating content is a hobby or just a side hustle,”
While only one-third do it for money, for most of the creators it is about freedom of expression and having a voice.
Scott Belsky, chief product officer, and executive vice president, Adobe Creative Cloud shared:
"Individuals, soloprenuers, small business owners and content creators can now express themselves and explore creative and artistic pursuits in new ways,"
This is one of the reasons why the creator economy is growing in a rapid way.
"Increasingly, creators from all walks of life are turning their creative inspirations and passions into new careers and businesses supported by Adobe's creative tools," he added.
That's how every day and every night we are seeing more and more new creators showing something unique and talking about something different.