Getting Bored from Messaging Online? Diversify Your Routine with These!

Some people might call emojis and stickers the language of the 21st century. In a few hundred years, people will also study our correspondence, watching the birth of a new communication language. Perhaps some of you just brushed it off, thinking that only teenagers use them. But behind these simple symbols lies a whole story and great potential.

Stickers help express emotions and intentions. Unsurprisingly, all of us send billions of stickers to each other every day. But sometimes it is so difficult to find the one that accurately conveys your thoughts, so sometimes you might think of creating personal stickers that will render whatever you wish!

Become the protagonist of your individual sticker pack with an online sticker maker. There are no limits to your creativity: create stickers with your or your friends’ favourite phrases, quotes, places and characters. You decide, this is your sticker pack! Your friends and you will definitely appreciate the creative urge!

Getting Bored from Messaging Online? Diversify Your Routine with These!

Creating your stickers

Creating your pack with VistaCreate has never been easier than now. Just follow these four simple steps:

  1. Choose a template of your liking. VistaCreate library has a variety of designs that will definitely steal your heart. Choose one that you like the most and open it on the artboard.
  2. If it happens so that there is nothing close to what you were planning to create, use your own image and create your unique design. You can upload your own picture or/and font and polish with your own funny or not so content. 
  3. If inspiration has left you, you can always have a look at the stickers that VistaCreate suggests. Choose the ones that are right for you and adjust based on your own preference.
  4. Do not forget to save your stickers to use them. Any of the formats (JPG, PDF or PNG) are at your service. 


Most experts agree that it is technological progress, or rather the transition to a new way of communication – messengers, which account for 6 of the 10 most popular applications in the world, that is the main driving force behind emoji. Users don't want to waste time writing words, fighting auto-typing, and finding the right wording. They want a quick and easy way to render information.

Of course, emojis and stickers have an important advantage – they help to overcome the language barrier and express emotions more precisely, which is not always possible to do with texting.

When to use stickers in business correspondence

In 2017, researchers from the University of Haifa and Ben-Gurion University in Israel, using questionnaires of 549 people from 29 countries, found out what people think of an unknown sender of a business letter and his competence.

It turned out that emoji in business correspondence more likely speaks of the incompetence of the interlocutor than encourages smiling and rejoicing in his informal approach to communication. Many people prefer to leave their virtual smiles outside of business communication. Participants in the study responded more informatively to emails that did not contain emojis.

But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon stickers in business correspondence in order not to look like a less competent specialist. First of all, the appropriateness of their usage depends on the established contact, the age of the interlocutor – basically, the older the person, the more careful you need to be with emoji, the format of your communication and their sense of humour, or rather compatibility with yours.

When to use stickers in business correspondence

It all depends on the relationship within the company and corporate culture, which can sometimes regulate the format of communication. We often use emoji and stickers in correspondence with colleagues, especially when someone creates a thematic chat with some event – going to the skating rink, choosing a gift for a colleague, organizing an event. 

Important points to consider before sending stickers and emoji 

Important points to consider before sending stickers and emoji

Before moving on to a checklist for using stickers and emojis in business correspondence, it is worth mentioning that it is better not to use funny or sad emojis in any not so familiar situation. If you often use emojis, you risk losing the quality of communication, and therefore, the trust of the client, who will not take you seriously.

  1. Start from the interlocutor, and not from your preferences – what is allowed with friends is not allowed with the client.
  2. Avoid using stickers or emojis when conveying important information.
  3. Understand the meaning of emoji and carefully read what’s written on a sticker before you start using them in business communication.
  4. Limit the number of emojis and stickers – no one is willing to solve your puzzles.
  5. Track the emotional background of the interlocutor – not every day they are ready to receive emoji and stickers as a response to their questions.