Make Learning Interesting for Students: 5 Best Tips for Teachers

Make Learning Interesting for Students: 5 Best Tips for Teachers
Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

The traditional practice of teachers lecturing and students listening is not enjoyed by the learners anymore. This less enjoyment and interest affects the teaching as well as learning. To ensure that students are receiving quality education and getting a chance to participate and interact, interesting teaching methods are required. Let us discuss the best five tips which teachers can use to make learning interesting for the students in detail. These techniques can be practised in both traditional and online classrooms. 

How to make teaching interesting for learners: steps to follow 

1. Focus on extracurricular activities 

To ensure that students are indulged and interested in academics, focusing on their extra curriculum is also essential. It helps teachers to practice art integrated learning in the classrooms. Dance, music, sports, art, and craft, drama, and computer classes are a few extracurricular activities when participated by students, making them more active, and engaged in learning too. 

  • All teachers should ensure to conduct such co-curricular activities for the students daily or on an alternative basis. This will provide students a change from regular classes and is very helpful to make them active in the classrooms. 
  • Encourage all the learners to perform the activities they perform. With this their communication skills, teamwork, leadership skills, and interpersonal relationships will be improved. 

2. Allow students to speak up 

Only teachers teaching and students listening is a very monotonous process and less interesting as well. To ensure that classes are interesting for the learners, promote student interaction in the class. Both traditional classrooms as well as teaching via a mobile teacher app should practice this. Few ideas to do it are:

  • Before starting a new lesson or topic, allow students to discuss as per their pre-acquired knowledge. Develop a healthy environment where students can freely speak and listen to one another. 
  • You can ask students to share their personal experiences and thoughts about the topics being discussed. Such classrooms become interesting and increase student engagement.

3. Try different ways of teaching 

The same practice of teaching becomes habitual and boring for the students. Some new and different must be tried from time to time. Along with teachers giving the lectures, other styles can also be inculcated in the classrooms. For instance

  • Allow students to prepare the topics of a lesson and present them to the whole class. Along with them, you can add more information and points. This will improve student and teacher interactions with one another. 
  • After teaching a topic, give students some time to read and revise and later ask them to summarise. This way students will attentively listen to the teachers and will get a chance to speak, interact. 
  • Use a seating plan tool to give students the chance to sit with different classmates or perhaps children that can help push others to succeed! A new experience for students to interact with others they may not speak to as often.

4. Take them outside the classrooms 

Change in the environment can be beneficial to make students interested in learning. Don't teach them continuously from the textbooks inside the classes. A slight change in place of teaching can boost the interest level of the learners. This will help in practising art integrated learning along with making it interesting for the students. 

  • For example, after every two weeks or a month, an outdoor visit should be planned. Taking students to educational places such as museums, auditoriums, zoos, famous monuments, and parks is a great idea. Allow students to click pictures, note down their experiences, and much more. 
  • In the case of online teaching via a mobile teacher app, virtual trips and visits can be planned. Or you can make them watch movies and videos of the educational places.

5. Use technical teaching aids 

We all know that today's children easily get distracted and lose their interest in any activity which they don't enjoy. The thing which attracts them the most is technology. So why not replace the traditional teaching resources with some modern and engaging ones.

  • Along with verbally explaining the topics, teachers can use modules, presentations, educational videos, short movies, picture cards, and other such audiovisual tools to teach students. This way students will understand better. Good understanding makes classes more interesting for them. 
  • Instead of giving long handwritten projects to the students, allow them to submit assignments with the help of technical tools. Some of the ideas are PowerPoint presentations, audio submissions, completing online quizzes, riddles, and much more. 


The success of teachers and students' learning depends on how actively students participate, indulge, and respond. The boring and monotonous classes obstruct this success. All the above-mentioned techniques can be used by the teachers to make classes and learning more interesting for the learners.