4 Consideration for Prices to Swim with the Dolphins in Mexico

4 Consideration for Prices to Swim with the Dolphins in Mexico
Photo by Flickr from Pexels

Nowadays, people are interested in swimming with dolphins and it is possible at different dolphin centers located at beach towns also resorts across Mexico. However, according to Mexican law, it is illegal to capture dolphins, but it is legal to train dolphins to swim with humans. So all of the dolphins born are under the captivity of Mexico. Further, there are different prices to swim with the dolphins in Mexico. Generally, persons at a time can swim with the dolphin with the charges of USD 10 per person for 30 minutes. Below stated are some considerations for swimming with dolphins.

Concerns for Swimming With Dolphins in Mexico

To get prepared for a swimming trip with dolphins, there are some tips that you need to consider to enjoy your swimming experience to the maximum.

  • When to Go

It is possible to swim with dolphins all year round in Mexico. There are many dolphin centers located in Mexico running numerous programs in a day, and six days a week. These centers properly take care of the dolphins and also dolphins are provided with sufficient rest. One day per week some of the dolphin centers close to allow all of the dolphins to rest and deep cleaning of the centers can be conducted along with other maintenance jobs. 

  • What to Wear

• Take your swim gear along with you to the dolphin center.

• Never apply sunscreen lotion before swimming with dolphins. And if you do so then you will be asked to take bath in your swimming suit before you enter the water for your swimming trip with dolphins.

• If you have sun tan then the best way is to wear a long cotton t-shirt, as your upper body will be exposed to the sun.

• While if you have super sensitive skin then you can cover your arms with a full-sleeved t-shirt. The majority of dolphin centers provide snorkeling equipment along with flippers (when they are needed for the swim program, but not everywhere). However, all of the dolphin centers provide flotation vests that are compulsory.

  • Health Considerations

If you have health issues like asthma, breathing problem, or if you are currently suffering from cold or flu then you cannot swim with dolphins. People who have faced heart attack, stroke, or even epileptic fit, should not opt for swimming with dolphins as it is not beneficial for such people.

  • What to Expect In Prices To Swim With The Dolphins In Mexico

In different dolphin centers, there are two basic programs offered. If you opt for a more expensive program then you are allowed to spend more time with dolphins and groups are usually smaller in number. Thus, you will get more personal experience as compared to a less expensive program. In expensive programs there will be only 4 persons with a time limit of 45 minutes and the charges will be $159 to $111. While in cheaper packages there will be 6 or more persons with a time limit of 30 minutes and charges will be between $99 to $69. So these are the prices to swim with the dolphins in Mexico.

When you will reach the dolphin centers then you will be given a proper briefing by any of the trainers of the center or even by the lead guide.


So, if you want to do swimming with dolphins in Mexico then you need to consider the above-mentioned tips as doing so will enhance your personal experience.