Tips and Tricks to Succeed as a Celebrity Makeup Artist

Being a celebrity makeup artist is more than just a responsibility; it’s a relationship, one unlike any other. After all, the same model or movie star who reigns over the hearts of millions across the world with their flawless skin, shimmery eyes, and sheer/satin-looking lips draw the curtains to their makeup and filter-free face for the makeup artist to work their magic. The level of trust involved here is priceless.
If you’ve been dreaming of performing celebrity beautifying rituals as a full-time career, here are a few tips and tricks to succeed.
Get to the root of it; enroll in a formal course
Watching YouTube tutorials on makeup is a great place to start, but you don’t want to stay there. To truly know what happens in those sacred hours before a celebrity hits the red carpet, it’s best to get yourself enrolled in a formal makeup course.
From the exclusive uses of each makeup product to the colour theory that helps choose the best products based on a model's undertone, and more, a formal course will equip you with 360-degree knowledge via comprehensive learning models. Take, for example, the Pearl Academy – you can opt for celebrity makeup courses offered in Mumbai by world-class professors who teach through classroom lectures, demos, practical projects, group work, etc.
Learn from those who have walked this path before you
A good institution will offer you plenty of scope for internships. But since you have the red carpet-worthy look on your radar, you should seek out many more internship and assisting opportunities. The skills of any trade are best learnt by working alongside experts of the field and carefully observing them in their natural habitat.
Plus, such internships will build your professional network as you come across other makeup artists, high-end clients, and more. Always remember, it’s not just about what you know but also about who you know!
Stock on all the good stuff
Before you build your stellar portfolio, you need to build your celebrity makeup kit bag. Not only are there different makeup products to stock but different variants of each to take care of. For instance – A single foundation will not work for all skin tones. Hence, you need to have a stock of cool pinks, olives, neutrals, and more.
Now, there’s no need to purchase only high-end brands’ products. If you can afford to, great, but if not, simply go for a mix of high-end and drugstore products. For instance – Keep the foundations high-end but curb the splurge when it comes to lipsticks, eyeliners, etc.
The star of the show – your portfolio!
Neither you nor your clients will have a clear idea of where you stand in the market without a solid portfolio. It acts as a compass whose needle points others in your direction. You can showcase different looks and styles and highlight your key strengths. From your college projects to self-experimental ones, all can be included. Use your friends and family members as a model – this will allow you to work with different skin tones, facial textures, etc. Steer your career in the direction you want by owning a solid portfolio.
Finally, don't let the naysayers make you give up on your dreams. Becoming a celebrity makeup artist is within your reach. Just apply the tips and tricks discussed above, combine them with persistence and dedication, and there you have it – the perfect recipe for a rewarding career!