8 Benefits of Green Roofs in Urban Areas

Urban living comes with so many ups and downs and sometimes a direct attack on your health, with high sun rays and dusty roads (air pollution) we have to take care of ourselves even when we are in our homes. Yes, there can be some signs of getting sick or getting in contact with a new virus.
So, how rooftops can help us cope with a few big issues? the answer lies in this article with an infographic.
As there are thousands of advantages of having a roof on your head, there are hundreds of other benefits and here we will let you know the top 8 benefits of green roofs in urban areas. Yes, these green rooftops can help you be safe, healthy, and sound.
So, check this infographic information now:
8 Benefits of Green Roofs in Urban Areas - Infographic:

infographic by EvolveDesignBuild.net
What's a green roof?
A green roof (in other words a living roof) is the same roof of a building on which you plant some grass or other plants to make it look greener and natural. One can install waterproof-systems and root barriers on roofs to stop the plants from damaging the rooftop.
So, next time if you are planning to rearrange your interior, make sure you do the same with the exterior of your house and make it look more natural and healthy.
featured image by David Coulson Design