This Is How Apple's Version Of Windows 10 Will Look Like (video)

This Is How Apple's Version Of Windows Will Look Like
Everybody who loves Apple/Windows, wants to know "What If Windows 10 Was Made By Apple?" and here we are with a great answer to such questions.

A video created by a Kamer Kaan Avdan is showing the exact face of Microsoft Windows in Apple's iOS style and guess what? it looks fabulous.

The video titled "If Apple created Windows 10" is showcasing the insights of real Apple made Windows that no doubts look beyond the love of tech.

Avdan has shown few common features in this video like:

  • File Explorer
  • Safari Browser (Windows version)
  • Action Center (Windows version)
  • iMessage for Windows
  • Start Menu of iOS in Windows
And much more that you can see in the below video.

If Apple Created Windows 10 (concept video):

Avdan created this concept with utilizing macOS and Windows 7 and Windows 10 features by merging them into the iOS styles.
The above video that you can watch is not from us, it is the creation of Avdan (A YouTube Channel) and we are not responsible for any copyright-related issues.

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