Understanding Hair Loss: Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatment

Alopecia, more commonly known as hair loss, is a health condition that involves unintentional thinning of hair for men, women, and even children.

A research conducted by the American Hair Loss Association revealed that 85% of American men would suffer from hair loss at the age of 50.

Hair loss also induces anxiety because often, hair loss proves to be a significant indicator of a severe medical condition. Clinics like the hair loss treatment in California help patients in determining the causes of this health concern as well as the right hair loss regimen based on individual assessments.

While it has undoubtedly negative impacts on a person's overall wellbeing, patients who suffer from it need not worry.

This hair loss is not permanent, and there are sources of help that they can go to, one of which is the hair loss treatment California.

How to Diagnose Hair Loss

A doctor or a dermatologist determines the causes by conducting a physical examination and studying one's family history. An underlying health issue often causes persistent hair loss.

Hence, it is essential to check possible genetic diseases that can cause hair thinning.

In some cases where there is a suspicion of autoimmune or skin disease, the doctor will conduct a biopsy on the scalp.

Usual Causes of Hair Loss

  • Hereditary –
    Genetics influences a person’s biological traits and expression. People who have a family history of baldness and hair loss will most likely suffer from a condition called female-pattern baldness or male-pattern baldness.
  • Hormonal changes (in females) –
    Pregnancy, menopause, childbirth, and other conditions that can disrupt the usual flow of hormones also result in hair loss. Hair is part of the dermatological framework of the body, and hormones directly impact the skin.
  • Illnesses –
    Diseases like cancer and lichen planus cause skin scarring, which leads to permanent hair loss.
  • Chemical Treatments and Radiation therapy –
    Radiation and chemicals can result in inflammation of hair follicles which causes scarring. When this happens, hair loss can become permanent because the area where the hair should grow is already destroyed.
  • Trichotillomania –
    This is a disorder where a person feels the need to pull back his/her hair. The act of intentional puts pressure on the hair follicles.

How to Treat Hair Loss?


This process is the usual first stage of treatment for hair loss patients. One form of this is tropical creams that can be applied to the scalp. Most of the medicines contain minoxidil (Rogaine).

Meanwhile, oral medications like finasteride (Propecia) prove to be effective in treating male baldness. Patients with alopecia areata take corticosteroids particularly prednisone. This medicine reduces inflammation and can act as adrenal hormones.

Procedural Treatment:

Patients with persistent hair loss opt for surgical procedures for treatment.
  • Hair Transplant –
    Transferring of skin plugs to bald parts. This is progressive and requires multiple surgeries.
  • Scalp Reduction –
    Removing of bald part and replacing it with a scalp that has hair. It is also called a flap where the surgeon folds a scalp over the bare part.
  • Tissue Expansion –
    Covering of bald patches by placing a tissue expander beneath the scalp that has hair.
  • PRP Treatment -
    Injecting your blood plasma onto the scalp to encourage regrowth.
Hair loss can be terrifying because of its possible underlying health problems.

However, there are numerous and accessible ways to treat it.