7 Ways to Generate Huge Social Media Traffic for Your Website

Most of the times we got to hear that Facebook and Twitter are really helping thousands of small businesses to grow their sales without doing much work but just updating their social media handles.
So, if you are looking for simple and easiest ways to generate social media traffic on your website and increase your revenue then here is a quick list of 7 ways of generating social media traffic:
1. Make Your Website Shareable
Your business website should have a blog and if not then the most exciting thing to get more shares on social media is having product comparison pages.You can also design your product pages as simple and attractive that your visitors get inspired and the website should force them to share your pages on social media networks.
One of the easiest ways is to install social media sharing at the sidebars of your website and under the title of your product/content pages and if you are using WordPress then there will be many plugins for this, do a search in your plugins market.
2. Install Open Graphs
Well, as you have a setup of making people share your web-pages on social media websites, what if they tend to share and then see that the page is looking ugly on their social media accounts? they will pullback that shared posts.That's why you should install Facebook open graph and set up social media sharing with proper title tags, description and featured image options.
You can also use WordPress plugins for this as most of the plugins which are high-rated in WordPress plugins gallery comes with built-in open graph features and help you get a cool looking social media sharing box for each page on your website.
3. Take Advantage of Chatbots
Today's modern marketing is digital marketing and in digital marketing the latest trend is chatbots, yes, chatbots are on rising and they are being implemented by big brands to easily facilitate their customers and sell more products.There are studies showing that most of the brands are adopting this new way of interacting with customers and answering common questions like there are discounts or not if there is any coupon or special sale and so on.
You can do this by getting a custom chatbot for Facebook from any freelancing website or talk with a digital marketing agency to create a custom chatbot for your business and according to your requirements, as this will raise your customer satisfaction level in no-time.
4. Gain More Brand Awareness
The much you advertise and work on your brand awareness is much that can generate more free leads and sales. Social media can help you do it without paying a single penny.Yes, as search engine optimization is crucial for getting organic traffic from Google, you should create social media accounts and add your website there, add a logo of your website as profile and cover photo, update your content/pages on that social media accounts and let that pages help you rank better in SERPs.
5. Start Easy Conversations
Having conversations on your content and as well as product pages are something that can add extra value to your business website and let the customers and visitors interact with each other and as well with you.You can install the Facebook commenting system or Disqus commenting system to start easy conversations on your website as most of the visitors will have a Facebook account and they will surely leave comments that can be beneficial for your business growth and customer support.
6. Get More Tweets
Don't just focus on Facebook, Twitter is the next big thing for generating social media signals, free leads, and brand awareness, so use it too.And when it comes to Twitter, its all about tweets. All you have to do is install a click-to-tweet plugin in your WordPress site or manually create tweet-able lines in your content.
You can do it with click to tweet generators which are available online and you can Google it for a fresh tool. You can also install a tweet button inside your product pages to encourage visitors/customers to tweet about your products.
7. Collaborate with Influencers
As we are talking about generating social media traffic without spending on ads, the next level thing is collaborating with social media influencers.Well, this will be a tough step for you, but it's worth spending your time as if you successfully get some of the social media influencers to talk about your business, brand or service for free, this will sky-rocket your value and branding.
As most of the other micro influencers will follow their buddies and will share something about your brand. That's how you can create a chain of branding updates.
However, for this, you have to create a trust-able brand, great product, and engaging content.
For more information read some of the frequently asked questions and their answers right below:
How do I get more social media traffic?
You can get more social media traffic by updating your social media accounts on a daily basis with engaging content and share web-pages of your website after some general posts like quotes and relative images or videos.How does social media increase engagement?
When it comes to engagement on your business website, social media is the best way to increase it as most of the people on social media networks loves to explore new things and thus they tend to read about trends in the market and read about new products, so if you are a brand, company or service owner, you can rely on social media.What is social traffic?
Social traffic is the web-traffic which you receive on your website after you share website content/pages on social media networks.Does Google Analytics work for social media?
Of course, Google Analytics smoothly work for social media traffic tracking and you can simply track your social media traffic without adding any extra code.So, if you need to get answers for more questions you may have in mind, let us know in the comments and we will try our best to reply you with solid solutions.