Top 10 Cities to Work Remotely for Digital Nomads and Freelancers

Working remotely and living a life an explorer is the new-age working lifestyle. This is what makes a digital nomad get all the joys of his/her life and be an inspiration.
I am talking about thousands of those digital nomads and vloggers who are making their life an inspiration by traveling to the world and exploring more cities while they also work for fulfilling their financial needs. You can be like them.
Living and working remotely may cost you more than you think, but you can manage everything when you know where you are heading and how you can save money for better spending. So the number one thing to consider is checking the cost of living for a country or city you are looking to work remotely from.
Here we have a list of the top 10 cities of the world best for remote workers and also for the vloggers so they can enjoy more and work more for earning more money. Check the list now:
1. Canggu Bali, Indonesia
This is the #1 city from all around the world to live in and work remotely with many benefits like LGBT and racial tolerance, low cost of food and the best thing is citizens from all around the world can visit this city and live as much they want as the city also got a good amount of jobs which foreigners can apply for.You can do fun things in the city and enjoy your life while working remotely with a low-cost living and low-price internet connection. The only bad thing is that you will have to face some healthcare problems as they still have to improve their healthcare sector, however, it's still the best city for digital nomads.
2. Chiang Mai, Thailand
Most of the digital nomads think that this is the first best city to live in and work remotely on their own choices, however, this is the 2nd best city in the entire world for freelancers. In Chiang Mai, you can get to live on a low cost of living and higher chances of getting hired as there are established businesses which need new employees on a daily basis and also the startup cost is low.However, the bad things about Chiang Mai are climate change, poor air quality and racial tolerance rate are also low and also there are many red-light areas in whole Thailand so you may experience violence.
3. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Almost everything about Buenos Aires is good and you can enjoy your freedom with a higher rate of LGBT and racial tolerance. This South American city is also a great nightlife and friendly for digital nomads city which can give you freedom of speech and low cost of living with safe traffic system.However, despite a lot of benefits, the bad thing about this Argentian city is you may face low-speed internet connection and hot climate which may not suit your body.
4. Bangkok, Thailand
The 2nd great city of Thailand which is best for to work remotely for digital nomads and freelancers who loves to visit other countries and explore fun activities. With great options to invest in startups and low cost of living as well as higher LGBT tolerance, this city of Thailand is foreigner-friendly.The bad thing about Bangkok is low traffic safety, compromised peace efforts and little bad climate. Still, most of the travelers visit this city and have fun in its red-light areas and enjoy its nightlife which is famous all around the globe.
5. Medellin, Colombia
This Colombian city is at #5 spot with great walkability and low cost of living alongside low startup cost and opportunities to invest in small business and startups, you can visit this city to be a digital nomad and work remotely with enjoying the great nightlife, racial tolerance, high-speed internet.However, there are many areas of the city with a lack of internet speed and medication facilities. Still, it's a good choice, all you have to do is a little bit of research about the city before actually starting your journey.
6. Prague, Czechia
With a number of top-class facilities and have everything to enjoy your life and do more fun with Prague's nightlife, weather, the best internet speed and a city which is foreigner friendly, there are some down votes for this city and they are about racial tolerance, no free wifi and a question mark for peace.However, there are a number of digital nomads who have been blogging about the city and saying that some of the areas are good to live in and work from remotely.
7. Mexico City, Mexico
If you are looking to have more fun in your life and be a historic traveler, then the most exciting things explore in a city is great internet speed, many fun activities, and great nightlife, low startup cost and availability of many jobs for foreigners.With LGBT tolerance and freedom of speech, you can enjoy working remotely from Mexico but the bad things its general safety, as some foreigners reported that safety is a concern in Mexico and some said that its a safe city.
8. Lisbon, Portugal
Free wifi, good air quality are two main positive factors to consider living as a digital nomad in Lisbon. It is also an LGBT friendly and a great city in terms of jobs availability. Lisbon is also good for freelancers and remote workers with having a lot of English speakers and freedom of speech.However, the climate and healthcare facilities are concerning to many travelers and you should do some research before going to Lisbon.
9. Seoul, South Korea
If you are a female blogger or female vlogger and love to be a digital nomad and work remotely on another side of the world, then Seoul is the city for you. As its a female-friendly city with good culture and high quality of living.However, you will face low walkability and climate problem as its a bit cold in Seoul and with low racial tolerance Seoul can't be a good choice for English speakers, if you can speak something in the native language of Seoul then you can consider living in this city as the internet speed and high-quality air are two plus points of this city.
10. Warsaw, Poland
Love to live in Europe? then Warsaw city in Poland is the best option with facilities of healthcare and quality of climate. You can also have great drinking water with natural benefits and high-speed internet with work availability and low-cost living.However, the bad things are like low racial tolerance and LGBT is a concern from the other 9 cities of the listed above. If you can manage these two things then this city is best for you.
So, at the end, which city of the world you will choose to be a digital nomad and work from remotely?