7 Worst Mistakes That Are Eating Up Your Content Marketing Success
Here and there, everybody is an internet marketer right now and people are really spending money on getting more leads and boost branding of their companies and increase brand recognition.
But there are difficulties with the digital marketing system and spending money is not enough. We have to really give attention to other factors and also do our best to create a list of most crucial content marketing mistakes to avoid in our marketing success checklist and the plan.

As every brand and product should have its own content marketing strategy, same applies to the top content marketing mistakes for products and different types of brands. So that I am here to introduce you with some suspicious mistakes which you should avoid and be the king.
Lets read about some content marketing mistakes even the big leagues are committing and how you can win the industry by avoiding these big mistakes:
1. Publishing All Type of Content
I know many content marketing specialists are saying that we should work on every type of content and publish for boosting brand awareness, but what I discovered is publishing all type of content is one of the biggest mistakes some brands can make.How? because when you are just starting or at a peak and looking to give a try on content marketing, you should consider starting with blog posts or just the videos.
However, you can select your favorite content type from these types of content:
- Blog posts
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Case studies
- Infographics
- Slideshares
- eBooks
- White papers
2. Duplicate Content
The most worst content marketing mistake is copying content of other people or posting duplicate content on your pages. Its often a practice being done by every newbie in the blogging arena.It takes time for creating long blog posts and search on the topics then give insights, so newbie bloggers thinks that its better to copy blog posts than writing them all the way from searching, reading and then thinking. Its one of the the biggest mistakes being done even today.
But, the days are long gone when you can copy the article, publish on your blog and get good Google rankings. Now Google is enough intelligent and will remove your blog from its index.
So its better to avoid publishing duplicated content or plagiarized articles.
3. Content Sharing
Content sharing is one of the most exciting ways to make your content cause a wow effect and help reach more people from social networks, bookmarking sites and forums.But there's a problem with many content publishers that they share their content just once on all the networks they are operating on. This is a big mistake and its something like working harder on creating a piece of content and then burring it by not sharing multiple times.
Here's how I share my content for more engagement and readers:
- Tweet, after tweeting like the tweets with relevant hashtags and then like my own tweet and retweet that
- Share on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and other networks
- Put my exclusive content on auto pilot sharing with social media management tools
4. Bad Use of Keywords
Use of keywords in your content marketing strategy is best way to enhance it and make it worth spending time and money.However, when you are not giving time on proof-reading the content for SEO purposes and proper reading then you may be in trouble.
By bad use of keywords, I mean to say "keyword stuffing" and its:
- Bad for creating engagement on your blog posts
- Bad for user experience as visitors will not like to read your texts
- Google hates keyword stuffed content
5. Page Load Time
You may wonder why its related to content marketing and how it can help, but this is another main factor of making your pages get higher rankings in Google and also reduce the bounce rate on your site.If your page load time is more than 3 seconds then you will lose 10 to 20% of your visitors and if its more than 20 seconds then the chances are you will have a higher bounce rate and will be far far down at Google SERPs.
So always optimize your website with speed plugins and try to add AMP pages for faster loading and always use a minimalist theme for better loading speed.
6. Updates
If you are creating great content always publish a great piece then its wonderful and you should keep this for easy success in content marketing.However, if you are not updating your published content very often and just trying to publish new quality content then this is your worst mistake which is really making your content to go die and don't be an evergreen asset for you.
If you want people to consume your content and keep them coming back for more then always try to update your content at-least once in 2 months and be active:
- Reply to comments
- Receive feedback
- Add call-to-action on popular posts
- Update screenshots and images
- Add new information
7. Thinking you are Not doing any Mistake
The worst, the bad and the most dangerous mistake is to thinking that you are not doing any mistake at your content marketing plan and that's how even a professional can get in problem.I suggest you to create a plan and stick to that plan and also:
- Research on the same plan per week
- Add new tips to the plan every week
- Try to focus on new ways and don't forget old gains
As these are the most common mistakes which even pros can make in content marketing and they are ruining many people's efforts, I always keep an eye on latest trends so if you need more information then comment your questions right below and share this article with your friends. Thanks!