How to Create Strong Relations with Social Media Influencers

In today's social media guide I am going to tell you that what are the best social media networks for creating strong relations with social media influencers and how you can use that top social media networks.
So without any further time wasting lines, I would appreciate if you navigate and read my original guide on how to create a relationship with social media influencers and get them to say words about your product or service so that you can get more sales and more loyal customers. So let's get started:
1. Facebook
With Facebook, you can reach to a wider audience and experts in almost every field of life and work. You can easily find social media influencers in every industry by searching a term or topic using the Facebook graph search functionality at your profile's upper corner.All you have to do is type a topic and hit the search, it will show you company pages, real profiles, and groups from where you can find your targeted social media influencers and interact with them.
On Facebook, you may find more profiles than the pages and that's cool. Because you can add that social media influencer as your friend and then start talking with them on messenger or you can just make them curious to talk to you by commenting on their latest updates and sharing their updates or liking them.
After you have started a conversation with one of the industry leader, start talking about his work and wins then he/she will talk about yours and you can tell that you want a good friend and that's all and you love to exchange ideas and help newbies.
You can keep the conversation going by messaging that social media influencer on different occasions and know about his health and work routines or just randomly share a relative to the industry news. This way you can create a good relationship with many social media influencers on Facebook and you don't have to pay anything, but your time.
2. Twitter
The real way to connect with social media influencers and experts in every industry is to use Twitter as a productivity tool. Its the best ever social media network which is famous for real profiles and trending topics. You can easily find experts and follow them in just one click by sharing tweets with #hashtags which is the most exciting and number 1 feature of Twitter.All you have to do is just pick your topic and add # before your topic and search using the search bar available at your Twitter profile. After that Twitter will show you latest and best tweets by the social media influencers, now you can watch them and follow them to make them follow you. As you know that just following them will not result in your following list increase.
You have to force them about yourself and make them follow you by liking their tweets and retweeting their tweets and also talking with them by replying to their tweets and keep on doing it.
There are people getting paid to tweet and there are people who are tweeting but getting nothing, so make your tweets worth a change and always talk about your own thoughts about the trending topics. This way you can gain more followers and easily manage your Twitter account. You should keep on finding new social media influencers and keep on interacting with them to create a strong relation and get more sales or create a web-traffic funnel. With Twitter you can also get opportunities and sale your tweets. So Twitter is more than you think, just give it a try.
3. LinkedIn
When it comes to social media influencer relation, I always tend to use an authentic way and the best one, for now, is LinkedIn. As every serious about a business person is active on LinkedIn and they do interact with others.Yes, its a job portal where everybody can have a profile and an online CV which everybody can see and then ask for the recruitment and hire experts in so many fields. Its the best platform for recruiters and many big brands and influencers are using it actively. For example, Bill Gates and Ariana Huffington are one of those big players who use LinkedIn actively.
So the chances are you can create relations with social media influencers on LinkedIn and get hired for what you love to do. It is also possible to get hired by big companies and work for them remotely. I suggest you to use LinkedIn for social media influencer relation because its the perfect tool for this work and available for free with huge potential and occasionally they offer advertising credits to boost your profile and get more companies to know who you are.
4. Instagram
While talking about the big social media networks how I can forget the great social media network Instagram? Its the best way around to get big sales and let people buy your products or get millions of people know about your brand in a blink. You can use Instagram to create strong relations with social media influencers as they are really very active on this platform.As Instagram is perfect social media network app for android and iOS smartphones, everybody on the platform loves to know about more and more new products and their are so much social media influencers who can change the trends in every industry.
You can simply follow them, like their images, comment on them and then talk with them. They reply to every interaction and on Instagram you can really make an impact. All you have to do is just be active on Instagram and use its Hashtag feature just like you do with Twitter to find what others are talking about and follow those leaders and also post content about that hashtag so you can get more followers.
5. Pinterest
Its not the same thing as you might feel about Instagram. But its the totally different network and works more then Instagram do. As its a different social media network, you have to make a strategy for getting success on Pinterest. There are many social media influencers actively using Pinterest to market for companies and product owners. You can interact with their shares and get them interact with yours.The best thing about social media marketing, Pinterest marketing and Pinterest social media influencer relations is you can use its amazing analytics feature and business account to get more insights about your data and shared posts. Its also a great to source of getting traffic to your website and getting free promotion of your product.
6. YouTube
Images and news or hashtags can't make a better social media network and thus YouTube is here. You can easily upload videos to other networks but when it comes to YouTube video marketing its the luxurious platform to do this and get millions of people know about your work and brand. As we are talking about social media influencer relation the thing is how we can get social media influencer to be our friends on YouTube?The very simple way is to create a channel and start creating some great videos about your industry, after publishing that videos on your channel and get some views. Go to other relative channels and comment on their videos, like their videos and give your suggestion.
They will also reply to your comments and you can then start a conversation and keep on doing it till they come to your channel and do the same. Just don't stop this as you will get more and more YouTubers to talk about you in their videos and you will greatly get a huge promotion.
7. Google+
Its Google and Google is always on testing to create their own social media network for its users. To be honest I don't think that you can create a good social media influencer relation using Google+ as its a platform which many experts use to rank content better and they just share updates and not use it actively.Thus I recommend you to use Google+ when you are industries like Photography and Video Marketing. As for other industries, this network can't make an impact. At least to me its time consuming and users of Google+ are not that active as other networks have.
But the plus point is you can gather good rankings of your content as Google favors Google+ posts and some times it ranks Google+ updates higher then the original content which is good for social media influencers and they use this network for getting more traffic to their blogs and websites.
So do use it for getting more web-traffic.
There are many other great social media networks available to use for free and create strong relations with social media influencers. But the best of them are explored and listed above. If you have some suggestions or questions then comment below and share this article with your audience. Thanks for the read.