6 Great Facebook Ads Spy Tools for Generating More Sales in 2024

Facebook is the #1 social network of the world and every digital marketer is using it to drive sales to his clients and his own eCommerce websites.

If you are one of that great digital or social media marketers then here's a clue for you that will tell you how to spy on Facebook ads and get insights about your competitors.

Facebook ad spy tools are available in the market and they are really worth a test by you, however still marketers want a list of the best Facebook ad spy tools so that they can easily do Facebook marketing and don't just waste their time on testing different ad spy tools.

6 Great Facebook Ads Spy Tools for Generating More Sales in 2024

As there are many Facebook ad spy tools in the market, here I have listed some of the great tools to spy Facebook ads and know what your competitors are talking about in their ads and how they are getting more sales than you.

So without any further ado, here's a list of 6 great Facebook ads spy tools in 2024 for higher sales:

1. AdFox

url: adfox.io

If you are in search of a Facebook ads database and want to know more about the funnels then AdFox is for you, and that's why we have listed it as #1.

As one of the most famous professional bloggers Kulwant Nagi said that AdFox is a conversion oriented ads setup tool from which we can easily find the best performing ads and then replicate them to increase our chances of success on Facebook via marketing our products on Facebook.

With over 300,000 ads and increasing every day its a platform that can really help you in spying on your competitors and gives you the best tools to spy on any Facebook PPC/App ads and give a boost to your social media marketing efforts.

They want you to focus on creating best and most creative ads so you can increase your CTR and get more sales. As you know that Facebook ads do more than other internet ads and that's why many of eCommerce experts rely on Facebook ads and love to use Facebook ad spy tools for exploring the best converting ad types and looks. So with AdFox, you can easily re-target your competitor's audience by implementing their strategies for your brand and products.

2. AdPlexity

url: adplexity.com

Its also a great platform to check what your competition is up to and what ads are giving them the best return on investment so you can download that landing pages and add your creativity to them for getting more sales of your products.
With AdPlexity platform you can use Mobile, Native, Desktop and their API features to convert your social media advertising campaigns into big sales. They are having a database of many ad exchange and ad networks that are active so that you can spy on your competitor's advertising plans and then use those tactics to create your out standing Facebook ads.

You can get benefits from their quality features like:
  • Native ads database with 7 ad-networks
  • Data from all major devices (mobile, desktop and more)
  • Data from all major browsers (firfox, chrome and more)
  • Powerful but easy to use interface
  • Download all landing pages with 1 click
And with all this you can get their chat and email support. Their prices are higher, but they are really providing great searching abilities so you can dig deep into the data and create your high class Facebook advertising campaigns including other networks.

3. Connect Explore

url: connectio.io/connectexplore

In simple words this is the tool that does the main thing for Facebook ads spying and social media marketing so you can leverage the best of it without doing the split testing.

As you know that every Facebook ads spy tool is there to check whether it works for you or not, but this tool claims to be the best of them by finding the best interests on Facebook which even your competitors will never find so that you can target the best audience and sale your product to them before your competitors do.

You can spy on Facebook ads strategies by digging deep into the interest of Facebook and creating the best audience network for your product promotions.

The founder of this tool is with you and will help you whenever you're stuck or need help. He says that with Connect Explore its all about the ROI and it does the game very interestingly than other Facebook ad spy tools do.

4. AdSector

url: adsector.com

If you are looking to create more creative Facebook ads and drive real sales then AdSector is claiming this thing and offering its best solution to you.

You can get into the tool and search what's working for now and then organize those ads and then check the Analytics and you will find what works and what doesn't. You can easily target your targeted audience and have them know about your product and brand.

They are using a simple yet amazing formula of finding, bookmarking and then auditing so that you can get best of Facebook ads. Not just ads, you will get images and download the whole landing pages which is a breathtaking feature. So with AdSector you are can do the highest margin affiliate marketing and get Facebook ads at your fingertips.

5. Ad Espresso

url: AdEspresso.com/ads-examples

Can't pay big prices and even don't want to invest a penny on Facebook ads spy tools but want insights? if this is you then AdExpresso by Hootsuite is available and you can use it for free.

Why free? they are limiting the insights and giving the basics for your tests so you can try a great tool for testing whether you can get more sales by spying on your competition or not. You can use their clean and beautiful search engine to find relative to your industry Facebook ads and then create Facebook ads effectively.

With their ads examples, you can easily know what the industry leaders are advertising about and how they are getting the biggest ROI. You simply select industry, advertising type, ad type and also timeline or sidebar ads option so it will give you the best ads examples possible.

6. Social Ads Tool

url: Socialadstool.com

This tool is different from others and some industry experts say that this is not cool.

But what I suggest is this tool is what you need when you are not able to select the best performing ad type and want an automatic tool that can give you real insights from thousands of working ad types and give you the details about how you can get more out of your Facebook ads campaigns.

They are best at automating many tasks for a Facebook ads spy tool and give you the facility to create so many ads and get intelligent insights.

With their world class support and conversion tracking, feature and also scheduling with auto ad-optimization and a lot of other features this Facebook ad spy tool can give you ease to spy on competitors and easily create the best ads.

So, these are the best and most advanced Facebook ads spy tools for getting more sales and the biggest return on investment for your Facebook marketing campaigns. You can use these tools for every industry and easily get your social media marketing done right. Thanks for the read.