How To Get More Comments On Your Blog? - {5 Working Tips}

But no one leaves a comment?
Searching for how to get good comments on your blog? and all other questions like that?
Here I am giving you the answers to all of your blog comments related questions and I will guide you on how to get more comments on your blog with easy hacks.
First of all, this happens to many newbie bloggers, because the lack of quality information and the tricks they use to get more comments, in reality, ruin their blogs and they end up failing to get more comments even when they are creating very amazing and great content on a timely manner.
You can solve it by following the below methods and tips. Let's start now:
1. Create Questionable Content
Yes, creating and sharing questionable content on your blog can lead you to get some interesting comments, and also you may need to moderate those comments but it will be better for a viral conversation.Here, the question is what type of content is questionable in every niche?
The answer:
- Write on viral topics and add some satire to spice it up
- Write about a country known for (topic/keyword) and say it is known for another thing
- Predict something and add really frustrating lines
I know that I can't really explain this method here but in some niches like Technology News, Politics, and Showbiz this type of method works very well and those who work in these niches knows how to create questionable content.
NOTE: Please try to understand the difference in objectionable content (bad) and questionable content (safe).
2. Make Commenting on Blog Easy
I have seen so many blogs (including authority blogs) that are not able to make it easy for readers to leave a comment on their articles.Many blogs are enabled with different commenting plugins and those plugins ask readers to signup with their respective platforms.
This may cause the burn to your blog's comment system, as a result, you will see fewer comments even no comments on your well organized and rich content blog.
I recommend you to keep the commenting system on your blog as clean and simple as possible. For example you can see the commenting system at the end of this blog post and try to add a comment, its too easy.
A good commenting system should ask these details from commentators:
- * Name
- Website address
- * Comment
Captchas ruin commenting mind of readers so that its better to add a spam filter or comment approval plugin at your website for taking care of spam comments.
NOTE: For WordPress, Akismet is a good plugin to hold everything related to commenting problems and for Blogger (Blogspot) there is no need to add any plugin but you can see a settings page for approval of comments under settings at left sidebar while Blogger is on autopilot to handle spam comments for you.
3. Ask for Comments
This is something every new and old marketer will tell you to do for getting some comments on your blog.Because, when you ask there is a chance that some of your readers will accept your invitation and submit a comment.
Also, there is a way of asking, don't beg for comments.
Just ask having this in your mind:
- Ask relative people on social media
- Ask your readers at the end of articles
- Use lines like Discuss in comments, Ask your questions in comments or you can say "let's chat in the comments form below" and etc
4. Publish Less Often
Yes, the common thought for every blogger who is doing a/b testing to increase comments and engagement on a blog.If you don't want to make your blog posts look empty (with zero comments) you can try publishing less often and it can be like 1 post per week or a few posts per month.
You can do it for 1 or a maximum of 2 months to make sure you are not getting your rankings down the line.
As comments may help you reduce the bounce rate, but publishing frequently makes you get more readers, more trust of Google, and more views.
5. Add Facts and Figures
People love to read facts, understand figures, and increase their general knowledge for any topic they are reading online.You can put some statistics graphs that look amazing and created from real case studies or researches and also add some facts about the topic you are talking about in any blog post to make readers know more about the same topic.
Readers will often ask you about those facts and figures, that will increase the commenting opportunities on your blog.
In the end, the conclusion is we should act like a human, not a robot.
Just try to create content to solve a problem and as nobody can say everything in a blog post, you can tell them more in the comments section.
Happy blogging and try your luck to comment below for secret tips to get more comments. 😍