How To Do Next Level Blogging ?
Ha! The wait is over. I am here and I will now post daily on this blog. You know I am not a next level blogger yet. But! I have guts for making a blog post on this topic. So! Now please fasten your seat belts and read safely :) Wait! Before reading below keep in mind: If you have a blog then read this post in any other case leave it and Google some funny clips :)
In blogging world there are many blogs created day-by-day, 5 out of 100 can get some visitors. Because many individuals just create blogs for fun or they get an idea and immediately register a blog. After that they don't publish a single blog post. Therefore many blogs are online but empty :( this is bad but true.
Why we don't have ideas to post on our newly created blogs ? Because! We do have blogging mind and we are Facebookers. But! In beginning of blogging you have to face this type of problems. Don't worry and do some quick searches. I am sure, you will get new ideas.
This is simple: If you wanted to create a movie reviews blog and you just registered it. Now you can update it with upcoming movie updates and reviews.

How To Do Next Level Blogging ?
NO Logic Blogging:
Blogging is a real business and fun-work on the internet, we can easily create a blog and start publishing blog posts on it. However we don't even think before creating a new blog, and then (after getting some visitors) we can't update our blogs, because we don't have ideas.Why we don't have ideas to post on our newly created blogs ? Because! We do have blogging mind and we are Facebookers. But! In beginning of blogging you have to face this type of problems. Don't worry and do some quick searches. I am sure, you will get new ideas.
WITH Logic Blogging:
Yes! Without an idea (Logic) we can't update our blogs on daily basis, and with a proper idea we can easily publish new new articles. With an idea in mind bloggers can write professionally and the blog posts can get amazing numbers of visits.This is simple: If you wanted to create a movie reviews blog and you just registered it. Now you can update it with upcoming movie updates and reviews.
Some credential Things to keep in Mind
- Hard-work:
A basic and original technique is hard-working. Many pro bloggers said: Hard-work is a real science behind success of any blog or online business. By Hard-work I mean search and publish amazing blog posts on daily basis, know you reader's needs. - Research first:
Before publishing a new blog post try to search about it first. Like before I publish this post I had search on Google and then started writing on this topic. You also can use this method. - Design:
A better design is a key thing in success of your blog. Don't give-up on designing of your blog's theme/template. If you have a stunning and professionally designed blog than you can easily discover success. - Needy pages:
As you know Google adsense doesn't accept your request for creating a new Adsense account, just because you don't have necessary pages like Copyright, Privacy Policy, Contact us and About us. Also people don't trust on your blog posts. Then! Its better to have all needy pages available on your blog. - Social media:
I am inspired by Mashable for this thing. Mashable has a perfect social media coverage, as we can see on its blog post's sharing bar. As you can see many blogs are getting tons of visits from their social medias profiles, then! Why we can't do this ? Try this method.
Caution! Entrepreneurs
This is only a newbie's guide please share it with your readers (I will update this post as soon as time allow me). Support me I will do my best for you all. Next Level Blogging is not so easy as writing this blog post. You have to work too smart. Thanks for reading, Keep Blogging! :) Image via