How to make money from your blog: 5 tips

Many of us have many blogs, also we all wanted to make money from our blogs. But! Making money from blogs is not easy as many professional bloggers say "Yes! You can earn money through your blog" I say no! Ah irritating but its true (without HARD-WORK we can't earn). Only having a blog you can't make money. You have to do lots of hard-work on daily basis, like updating your blog, making it SEOptimized, getting traffic, getting some advertisers or advertising platform's accounts and more. Well! With hard-work we can earn money using our blogs (even on blog). Here I want to provide you a perfect list of top 5 making money blogging tips.
How to make money from your blog: 5 tips

How to make money from your blog: 5 tips

  1. Sell Advertising:

    This would be nice if you have lots of visits on your blog. This also a common method for getting buck from your blog. We are using this method for ALLBLOGTHINGS and happy with it. Yes! If you want to use Google Adsense then this method will calling "Sell Advertising Method". There are many other advertising programs to use on blogs. You can use Infolinks and Adversal for more earnings, as these to networks are Adsense friendly yet.
  2. Sell other's Products:

    This method may called "Affiliate Marketing". We can make money by doing affiliate marketing on our blogs. There are many professional bloggers who are using this method for earning extra money. You can too! and if we talk about selling other's product online then Amazon is best at selling other's products. We can create a free account and start selling goods on our blogs by using Amazon widgets or embedding a piece of coding.
  3. Ask for Contributions:

    If you have a blog with large community or tons of traffic and wanted to make more money, then this method will give you a HOT-touch. As a blogger you can ask your readers to make some guest posts for your blog or share your blog post on social medias. Also if you are running a blog about any NGO or other public service then ask for donations. You can use PayPal services for a donation button.
  4. Market your Blog:

    Let others join your blog and read your blog daily. By joining some blogging communities you can market your blog. Also join forums and social directories for getting better backlinks and traffic to your blog. Try to engage your visitors by telling them some nice words such as New services or Giving something for free. Try to launch giveaways on your blog.
  5. Make Relations with your Blog readers and Service buyers:

    This is method all professional and top bloggers in world are using right now. You can easily do this method by replying to your visitor's comments and questions. Try to have a live chat widget on your blog for some hours in a day. Create a Facebook fan page of your blog and reply to your inbox messages regularly. Keep in mind if you got success in making relationship with your blog readers than you can get more reputation and engagement of your blog.

Final words

We are also interested in making money from this blog, so share this blog post with your friends and contribute with us for generating money. We will do our bests for you all. Love Blogging!