The Difference Between SEO and Content Marketing

Of course, everything should go hand in hand regarding what the page is about, but when we talk SEO, it is primarily the content and structure (On-page) and links (Off-page).
Have you chosen some keywords that you want to rank well on, or for those you'll be working extra?
That does not mean you should spam the downside with those keywords or just use them as anchor texts but the focus should be on implementing them accordingly. Everything should focus on the right things that Google recommends as best SEO practices.
But, what about social media?
Most often, usually the big platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the like when you talk about social media platforms and we can create free pages thereby placing links to our websites (that too for free). These do not affect your ranking on Google SERPs directly. It does not matter how many backlinks you have created from these pages - it does not give a better position but a ranking boost could be seen with such links.
one can indirectly affect the page by creating an interest in the content and
thus get "free links" from those who think the page is interesting and authoritative. It
is important to distinguish between these concepts which the author
does not seem to have done when he/she finishes the sentence.
Social media .... signals to the search engines that your content is valuable for those seeking
Social media does not signal to the search engines - they signal to people that content is valuable.
This in turn can generate rare links that signal the search engines. There is a difference.
I was reading an article about SEO and Content Marketing, here are my two cents on that:
Content marketing
As a second point, the author claims that content marketing is increasingly gaining ground.
This started out as a strong trend in 2013 and is believed to be continued to strengthen this year (yes 2014 to 2021 and beyond).
At this point, I am inclined to agree. In short, it's about having relevant and content-rich content on the page. Something that both attracts visitors and Google in the long run.
The third point was that the optimization for mobile devices is a must for anyone wanting to keep up with developments.
The author mainly points to that we use mobiles increasingly while the development of Google makes responses more accurate based on what we type into the search field.
This is something that should be taken into account when optimizing the content on your blogs. Maybe he/she is right in this, maybe not.
The pages to be adapted for mobile is easy to agree with, but the searches done differently between whether they occur on the cell phone or on your computer? Used longer phrases if one is looking through the computer and its different things you are looking for through the various equipment?
If so, is this something you should investigate further? If you have a page that is mostly frequented by visitors with mobile devices would then long tails be something you lesser degree would be working with. Maybe he/she is right - maybe not.
Social media is important but...
The fourth point is that social media is becoming increasingly important.
It is possible to agree but as previously said not to get the link power without getting the interest of the customer.
The author argues that Google is increasingly going on human signals and hence must invest heavily in social media to get a good result in their SEO strategy.
So the human-oriented or human-involved algorithms are being created by Google.
Final touches
It may be that the author has the exact same opinion as me but then chooses his/her words slightly wrong.
As there is a difference between SEO and classical marketing.
Although they go hand in hand sometimes, you have to distinguish between them in some cases to get the best results on SERP.